#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter

The attack on #Venezuela’s electrical system was carried out in three phases. #HandsOffVenezuela
🇺🇸army using pictures of🇻🇪President & family/associates for target practise on the range
@NicolasMaduro @dcabellor @madeleintlSUR @IntlCrimCourt @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @MaxBlumenthal @evoespueblo
The "Cybernetic" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyberneti… … ATTACK Was MOST LIKELY '#TritonMalware'! Detailed Here
Triton is the world’s most murderous malware & it’s spreading technologyreview.com/s/613054/cyber… via @martingiles @techreview #VenezuelaBlackout #US #FalseFlag #GuriDam ATTACK!
🇫🇷🇧🇷🇩🇴🇨🇺🇧🇴🇬🇭🇨🇱🇬🇷🇨🇷🇹🇫🇦🇴🇵🇹🇸🇨🇯🇲🇹🇩🇬🇩🇾🇪🇸🇷🇫🇯🇱🇾🇳🇮🇵🇦🇧🇬🇮🇶🇦🇫🇸🇴Yugoslavia🇪🇨🇻🇪🇭🇹🇸🇴🇭🇳🇺🇦🇰🇵🇰🇷Tibete 🇹🇷🇵🇱🇸🇻🇱🇧🇵🇭
So why would you believe what they're telling you about #Venezuela?😏😡
The Above Article Twitter Thread Referencing '#TritonMalware' Can Be Read Starting Here... … #VenezuelaBlackout #US #FalseFlag #GuriDam ATTACK! #Venezuela #HandsOffVenezuela
Highlighting This 1 '#TritonMalware' Tweet: That, References “critical infrastructure” targets like electrical grids, dams & oil companies #VenezuelaBlackout #US #FalseFlag #VenezuelaElectricalGrid #GuriDam ATTACK! #HandsOffVenezuela
🇻🇪doesn’t want “humanitarian aid” from the🇺🇸Yemen desperately needs it with millions in dire need. The🇺🇸is largely responsible for this genocide along with their🇸🇦allies Why don’t Americans care about these starving babies that are dying?
RegimeChange fanatic @marcorubio keeps tweeting FakeNews about🇻🇪He just deleted a tweet about an"explosion at the German Dam"after it turned out Germán Dam was a reporter's name. Rubio's antics might be funny if he weren't trying to start a civil war in Venezuela.

The newspaper @nytimes denies unfounded🇺🇸accusations & demonstrates that truck fire on alleged "humanitarian aid" was caused by opposition protesters. Thus they use lies to justify an aggression against the🇻🇪people who seek peace & dialogue
President Trump & his Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, blame the government of🇻🇪for deaths due to blackout. The perpetrators are the authors of the attack that left millions of people without light. They do not care about the suffering but take ownership of🇻🇪's NR
Marco Rubio actually called on the U.S. to promote “widespread unrest” in order to eventually bring down the Maduro government in Venezuela.
Hey @marcorubio did you really call for 'widespead unrest' in #Venezuela? is that the role of US senators? is it ok if someone calls for widespread unrest in USA or even Florida? #americagate

Its not enough to ridicule @marcorubio he should be removed from office/.BUT USA has the worst political system on earth

If you need more targets, just ask, there are still many more🤨

LISTEN: Trump🇻🇪Envoy Elliot Abrams admits the country’s power outage is part of an increase in🇺🇸pressure on the Maduro government during a radio interview. If they weren’t causing so much suffering, this administration would be laughable.
Abrams: “We are pressuring the regime... and we are going to continue this. I believe pressures will increase🇺🇸pressure & internal pressure also. Especially this week, when there’s no light!”He can’t contain his excitement that the power outage serve🇺🇸objectives.

Here are the direct Wikileaks files of CANVAS plotting with US intelligence agency Stratfor in 2010 to "spin" blackouts against the Chavistas.
CANVAS is an NGO that trained Guaido.
What’s your job description as a Florida senator, @marcorubio? Did dumb Floridian elect you for🇮🇱just to do the hourly nasty tweets propaganda to interfere other countries & nothing else? Maybe you should work for CIA dedicated to regime change. #WeAreMaduro

#FromTheSouth #Venezuela | Contingency plans are underway to mitigate #watershortages and #poweroutages across #Caracas, and to provide safe transport for citizens. #HandsOffVenezuela
#LIVE | Attorney General of Venezuela #TarekSaab |Public Ministry will start investigating the citizen Juan Guaidó for his alleged participation in the attack on the National Electric System. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | The Bank of England blocked 1,200 million dollars from the Venezuelan State, 7,000 million dollars were blocked with the blockade of Citgo. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @TarekWiliamSaab :The aggression against Venezuela, which since 2002 has been attempting to overthrow the Chavez government, blocked access to international financial markets. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv : At this time when we're halfway through noon, we want on behalf of the president @NicolasMaduro to report on the battle against the most brutal terrorist attack in the history of Venezuela. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv :The electrical system is already solved, the people of Venezuela are safe. The electric war continues which means that since it started it has led to more than 300 electrocuted deaths. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv : Mr. psychopath Guaidó you have to listen to your advisers, the head is not something that just hangs from the neck, its so you can Use it.

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv: They are such psychopaths #JuanGuaido, Marco Rubio and his gang, that when the process of electric recovery was developing, they kept attacking. When we managed to recover the supply in the East. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv: They attacked again and generated a fall which forced us and delayed us a whole day to recover our electric service. These are dead seekers, #JuanGuaido on March 8 tweeted that there were 79 deaths due to the blackout. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv: But two days after March 10 Juan Manuel Olivares said there were 21 deaths, and the government of Ecuador issued a statement saying that 79 had died. And the other 48? Pure fake news, pure lies. #VenezuelaResiste

#LIVE | @jorgerpsuv: In a few hours Caracas will receive the water service that will be supplied, the central water plants are starting to work in order to start sending the vital liquid. #VenezuelaResiste

#US President #DonaldTrump asked Congress to cut aid to #LatinAmerica but allow the U.S. Department of State to use US$500 million to fund its interventionist policies against the government of #NicolasMaduro.
#Venezuela |At #Macarao Parish cisterns are prepared to supply drinking water in several neighborhoods.
#Venezuela | At #Macarao Parish cistern water systems are supplied to various neighborhoods in #Caracas.
#Venezuela | Attorney General @TarekWiliamSaab said that his Venezuelan Public Ministry has started an investigation against #JuanGuaido.
#Venezuela | Minister of Communications @jorgerpsuv: "Despite opposition sabotage attempts, we have succeeded."
#VenezuelaBlackout | Vice-president of Communication Jorge Rodríguez informed that the electric service in the country has been restored almost in its entirety & that throughout the day the water supply will return to Caracas.
#Live | President of Venezuela @NicolasMaduro addresses the country about the attack on the electrical system.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: I declare victory on the attack to the electrical system in the country.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President @NicolasMaduro: The attack was ordered and executed from the United States.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: You can not classify as political to those who are capable of hurting the lives of millions of people.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: Sabotage the electrical system to generate a civil confrontation & then call to assault the political power, it only has one name: terrorism.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President @NicolasMaduro: 99% of the communities have remained at peace before the attack on the country's electricity system.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: Alert throughout the country, we must remain alert to new attacks by the opposition.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President of #Venezuela @NicolasMaduro: We activated the "Blue Tank" plan to provide water reserve tanks to all the homes in the country
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

#Live | President @NicolasMaduro: Dialogue must prevail among the Venezuelans.
▶️ bit.ly/2N2SnG8

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is criminalizing Russian companies for doing business with the Venezuelan state
#Trump is asking $500 million for intervention in #Venezuela.
The intervention was openly addressed in a U.S. State Department document.
-Seguidores de Guaidó quemaron la ‘ayuda humanitaria’
-¡Eso es desinformación del Kremlin!
-Lo dice el New York Times
-¡El New York Times es de Maduro!
Aquí está el video que publicamos el 25 de febrero
@CNN @CNNEE @CNNChile @cnni have to admit that it was part of Trump's big fake news machine. The mobsters of Grupo Lima can not ask for anything, they are just servis and @ Almagro_OEA2015 is a CIA agent
🇺🇸regime change blueprint proposed🇻🇪electricity blackouts as "watershed event" for "galvanizing public unrest." Authored in 2010 by CANVAS, the NGO that trained Juan Guaido, the memo reads like a strategy plan for today's coup thegrayzone.com/2019/03/11/us-…
On Jan 26th🇻🇪granted🇺🇸diplomatic staff a 30day window for negotiations after giving them 72hours to leave the country. But the🇺🇸is not interested in dialogue or peaceful solutions, this gang has one goal: regime change🇺🇸 public must demand
On March 11, Venezuela’s Foreign Minister informed James Story, the US diplomatic representative in Caracas, that his presence was no longer recognized. @SecPompeo is not withdrawing staff— they were told to leave!
Still the internationally recognized🇻🇪government hopes to “maintain channels of communication & dialogue” with the🇺🇸 gov,“developed within the framework of a relationship of equality & mutual respect”. Is that too much to ask, @SecPompeo?
At 12:16 PM, Mar7 @marcorubio called for“widespread unrest”to force regime change in🇻🇪
Exactly 5 hours later Rubio excitedly announced the malfunction of the SimonBolívarHydroelectricPlant & the VenezuelaBlackout
"in recognising opposition leader Juan Guaido as 🇻🇪’s rightful president... Most countries in Europe & Latin America have followed suit."
No mention of #Asia #Africa or #Caribbean cus they do not exist according to @Reuters!
What do U do to help 🇻🇪which is struggling to get in medic supplies cus of crippling sanctions N intermediaries like #Euroclear who freeze transactions? WELL if U are #ElliottAbrams U slap more sanctions to 'help' N hope it doesn't make life more difficult 4🇻🇪

State Department sends an email to the remaining gringos in #Venezuela, telling us that were basically on our now and that we should get out while we still can:

Venezuela: *mainstream media lies about US-backed crisis as neocon war criminals, in collab w/ fake VZ prez, live-tweet said lies*
Puerto Rico: *mainstream media stays silent as US colony that was w/o electricity for nearly a year faces humanitarian crisis*
It’s absolutely disgusting to see how distorted the coverage is of the US-backed coup in Venezuela. Did we all forget the last couple of regime change wars for oil?! #HandsOffVenezuela
@jguaido the Guided One, the US patsy has offered to sell Venezuela;s oil industry to the Americans...no wonder they like him! BUT the americans also liked saddama & noriega and look what happened opt them! facebook.com/GeorgeAdesEnew…

According to Alfred de Zayas millions of Venezuelans are chavistas who support the gov'ment and elections were observed and found to be fair.
Great News the Unions are Staying Strong-This was the Tactics Used in Chile in 1973 to gain the Support of the Middle Classes Against The Government-Great to See the Venezuelan People realise the tactics of US Puppet Guaido
Great News the Unions are Staying Strong-This was the Tactics Used in Chile in 1973 to gain the Support of the Middle Classes Against The Government-Great to See the Venezuelan People realise the tactics of US Puppet Guaido

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity

@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity
@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @dcabellor @DiazCanelB @evoespueblo
Plane Activity
Same as Chile-Guaido called the Unions to strike-electric interference
Seems to be following same playbook-luckily Military and Unions are backing @NicolasMaduro-They know this🇺🇸puppet has been a destabilising force for too long
Little Marco talks about the blackouts of Venezuela and Puerto Rico.
Notice the difference...😏
Honestly, Guaido probably slept through his formative training.
I have listened to his public speeches & he sounds shallow & arrogant. No substance.
The opposition should find a another spokesperson and leader. He is a disgrace.
By @GeorgeSzamuely
Russia continues to purchase crude oil from Venezuela "in defiance of US sanctions." Apparently, countries need to get US permission to do business with anyone. themoscowtimes.com/2019/03/12/us-…
When Hurricane Maria ravaged 🇵🇷, a 🇺🇸colony, Trump & the Republican Congress let 1000s die & didn't restore power for 11 MONTHS.
Now the same people are using a blackout to push 🇻🇪 toward civil war... while strangling them with sanctions! Incredible hypocrisy.

Video shows the #Guaido followers on the Colombian side of the bridge burnt the trucks of fake aid for #Venezuela …
By @RaniaKhalek
It’s regime change anniversary month for 🇮🇶,🇱🇾&🇸🇾
These countries were the targets of the🇺🇸regime change playbook & all are worse off because of it. & now the regime changers have moved on to 🇻🇪&🇮🇷 Will it ever end?
In the death cult of @AmbJohnBolton @SecPompeo @marcorubio Democracy=death
Freedom=@Chevron & @exxonmobil oil access & guaranteed profits for @LockheedMartin @Boeing @Raytheon @BAESystemsInc @northropgrumman @generaldynamics @HIIndustries
Perpetual War Equals Perpetual Profit and Yemen is a Gold Mine
US regime changes wont stop til americans stop electing democrats or republicans who engage in them
@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @cardenas1966 @madeleintlSUR @dcabellor @vladimirpadrino @KremlinRussia_E @evoespueblo @DiazCanelB
See thread🤨👇🏼
By @bodhibrian
.@AmbJohnBolton Threatens Companies Shipping Venezuelan Oil To Cuba
By @ReutersVzla
#Brazil presidential spokesman Brazilian military holding "respectful" talks with Venezuelan military
@NicolasMaduro @jaarreaza @vladimirpadrino @dcabellor
Venezuelan Army Introduces Air Surveillance Over Power Lines After Blackout
sputniknews.com/latam/20190311… #HandsOffVenezuelaTrump
By @bodhibrian
thos vile americans engage in their prewar against Venezuela : pressure india
Water service is gradually restored in the Valleys of Tuy, Cúa, Charallave, Ocumare and Yare conelmazodando.com.ve/195799

Mar 12
Walking Caracas streets with @AhmedKaballo 2 days ago, quieter than I knew from 2010 when I lived here, but otherwise same.
Lack of ppl due to no metro, due to electricity problem.
Much more activity on streets today
"This is not about defending Nicolas Maduro, not about supporting the Bolivarian Revolution, this is about stopping the war against Venezuela."
-FM Jorge Arreaza-

"We appreciate you coming here, because we believe that public opinion in the 🇺🇸 has a lot to do in order to stop the aggression against Venezuela. In the first place, to stop the war, the military threat against Venezuela."
-Venezuela's FM, Jorge Arreaza

Venezuela is pulling out of an electricity crisis almost certainly engineered by the 🇺🇸For all concerned abt🇻🇪' 4 day difficult crisis, remember Palestinians in Gaza who have been living power outages (including 16-20 hours/day) for YEARS.

But of course the US' fake concern for 'humanitarian crises' does not extend to the actual victims of such crises, victims of sadistic Israeli, Saudi, and American policies.
More from #Caracas walk other day, passing large shopping mall I went to in 2010 for Venezuelan SIM, and into well supplied grocery and other goods store.
@AhmedKaballo commentary adds to the footage.
More from Caracas walk the other day. Restaurants open but not full, metro down (near free public transit). Otherwise, much as I remember it from living here in 2010.
🇻🇪's Foreign Minister, Jorge Arreaza, spoke to the🇺🇸Peace Council delegation. His humility & respectful nature was clear
He didn't stoop to the name calling of opposition supporters, instead emphasizing the will for dialogue and stability
US stooge Abrahms admits it himself and you're asking for proof?🙄
"Elliott Abrams in Actualidad Radio says that he #AtaqueEléctrico is part of the increase in U.S. & domestic pressures against government #Venezuela."
.@georgegalloway LIVE 🔴 Topple Galloway: RAGING STORMS FROM LABOUR TO VENEZUELA pscp.tv/georgegalloway…
@georgegalloway Why is it that not one MP has brought up the fact that the @bankofengland is withholding $1.2 Billion of Venezuela's gold in the House of Common's at a time when they are being strangled by the🇺🇸with sanctions & the usual treatment Latin America

🇺🇸media have spent 2 years warning about how foreign enemies could sabotage our electric grid with cyberattacks.Yet when🇻🇪's gov't targeted for regime change, claimed its grid was sabotaged🇺🇸media immediately dismissed it as a conspiracy theory.See how that works?

Bolivarian National Armed Force is deployed throughout the country, to inspect the transmission lines of the National Electric System.
The "people" of GuaiDog:
Well dressed, ultra expensive phones, professional cameras, latest model truck.
In the background, a golf course.
It is understood?

When aid to🇻🇪was torched, top🇺🇸officials - incl. Marco Rubio, John Bolton, Mike Pompeo - quickly seized on unverified claims that Maduro supporters did it The claim went to the UNSC. Our video analysis offers a different explanation. They nytimes.com/2019/03/10/wor…
The Colombian gov. has security footage showing the full sequence of events but it cut out the critical 13 mins before the 🔥. Our team obtained previously unseen footage - and synched the two - to fill the gap and see what happened.
This reconstruction merges exclusive video with Colombia security footage. A molotov rag veers toward the aid truck and most likely started the fire. nytimes.com/2019/03/10/wor…
In the face of sabotage and military pressure, the people of Venezuela stand strong to protect their sovereignty and their neighbors.
#handsoffvenezuela #EnergiaSolidariaConVenezuela
#FromTheSouth News Bits | Community organizations in #Caracas are working to restore basic services & guarantee the distribution of CLAP boxes to all citizens. Follow us on for more on this news.#HandsOffVenezuela

#LIVE | Venezuela's @jorgerpsuv "Normal water service has returned to 80% of the country and 70% of Caracas... where it has not returned, water tankers are delivering to those in need."

Power grid shutdown originally planned in 2010. WikiLeaks reveals regime-change plans for Venezuela blackout
As Marco Rubio's coup in Venezuela's falters, he now wants to further strangle Cuba.
By @telesurenglish
#China could be a key ally in helping #Venezuela recover economically. bit.ly/2Jcysrc
"The failure of the ultra imperialist in Washington to defeat Venezuela can set in motion a new wave of decolonization struggles that can force the United States to look inward and downward, to decolonize its own electorate."
James Petras

Mar 12
At this time the GREAT NATIONAL PROTEST of Guaidó is a total failure Frustrated people lost turned off. No leadership no line no plan. A policy of zombies who live waiting for the criminal line of Washington or a Rubio tweet to fan a hatred that is extinguished

The whole world now knows Trump's gang of NeoCons has been lying about🇻🇪's gov't burning humanitarian aid.Don't let them lie us into another war for oil like🇮🇶!Gather in DC Sat. 3/16 to say:No coup, no sanctions, no war, #HandsOffVenezuela! answercoalition.org/national_march…
X-ray of the self-proclaimed # Guaidó 👇🏾
They support electrical sabotage, the first moments make fun; The days pass & they despair.The Government restores the service. Now they channel their energies with protests against"the blackout"caused by those who send them to protest.A bizarre story:The🇻🇪opposition

A victory that is becoming increasingly evident, hardworking, faithful people, defending the sovereignty of a country... begins the return to normal water service for the #Capital, Water Treatment Station "La Guairita" begins to operate
MEP Javier Couso @caninator: "In Venezuela, they use the same lies as in🇸🇾&🇱🇾After the failures of the coup, street terrorism & murder, they disguise a blockade as a humanitarian crisis & sabotage the electrical system as a crisis management"
Privacy Policy | began to reach the water after having surpassed the aggression to the National Electrical System. In the video you can see the explanation of the Minister of water, Evelyn Vásquez, how progressively the water is coming.
Recall that in Venezuela, in opposition demonstrations, the use of Yankee symbols has been very revealing. The right made use of them. They proudly held them up as an emblem. The symbolic war can not be underestimated.
1. From this moment I am going to tell you our journey through the backbone of the # Venezuela hydroelectric generation that was attacked, leaving the country without light for several days. @teleSURtv

2. We arrived at #Caruachii the 2nd plant in the🇻🇪Electric System composed of 12 generating units, is running at 100%,after the attack on the brain, its workers didn’t stop"this plant collaborated so that it was not affected system again"
#EliotAbrams '"We say you should not be helping this regime, you should be on the side of the Venezuelan people", Abrams sputniknews.com/world/20190310… …. FYI most Venezuelans support president @NicolasMaduro not the evil empire @AmbJohnBolton
NO MILITARY INTERVENTION! A group of US congressmen criticize US strategy against #Venezuela
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/PSEG30o1cXY
WELL CLEAR! Independent expert of the UN: Crisis in #Venezuela is completely artificial caused by the United States.
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiércoles ow.ly/ToAV30o1cXV
INVASION IN DOOR! Trump requested to reserve $ 500 million to finance war in Venezuela
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/8MaN30o1cXU
Evo Morales: US lies seek to justify aggression against Venezuela #Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/5gnK30o1cXR
US wears Guaidó before starting the war in Venezuela
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/SDxh30o1cXP
TAKING WATER FROM GUAIRE? See what people really did in the vicinity of the Guaire River (+ VIDEO)
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/SR3u30o1cXN
CRAZY AND DESPERATE! US Government prepares more aggressions against Venezuela
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiercoles ow.ly/UymO30o1cXL
Leocenis García called Juan Guaidó crazy for inciting looting
#Lechuguinos #13Mar #FelizMiércoles ow.ly/gXwK30o1cXK
@NicolasMaduro : 'We have apprehended two people who attempted to sabotage the communications system at the Guri Dam in order to impede the process of [power supply] restoration. They are being questioned." '
'Wired noted Venezuela's high dependency on the Guri Dam, which provides roughly 3/4 of the country's electricity, is both an asset and a liability. Getting electricity generated again is much simpler than with other power sources, '(1)
So president @AmbJohnBolton & @SecPompeo your sanctions do harm venezuelans
This is amazing:buried deep in this NYT article is a sentence indicating the Trump EconomicSanctions are a MajorCause of the deadly blackout in🇻🇪contradicting the rest of the article. No one has noticed;this should have been the main story

Glenn Greenwald provides context for some of the lies about🇻🇪that have been spread to facilitate Trump's Illegal RegimeChangeOperation.The NYT, for the first time in 20 years, actually exposed one of these lies with an investigative report nytimes.com/2019/03/10/wor…

Some great investigative journalism by Jake Johnston @JakobJohnston about a highly suspicious visit of US-based armed men in another country that has been victim of 2 US-sponsored illegal regime change operations since 1991 -- Haiti : cepr.shorthandstories.com/haiti-contract…
Rep. Omar, a survivor of war, is one of the most effective voices right now at cutting through the authoritarian foreign policy tendencies of this administration.
She nails it here. You can see why she gets targeted ⬇️
Meanwhile in Latin America, as Trump/Bolton are growling about military options & Monroe Doctrine & toppling Troikas of Tyranny & walls & dangerous immigrants, China is busy making multi-billion dollar deals: ft.com/content/78a493…
By @timand2037
'Mega march' of the fascist opposition in #Caracas. Trump's Guide Dog is a political Dead Dog. #GuaidoSeApago #VenezuelaEnDefensaDeLaPaz

🇺🇸imperial press sets sights on AMLO,🇲🇽's new left-wing president who refuses to bow down to🇺🇸bullying like his predecessors. AMLO has refused to support the failed🇺🇸coup in🇻🇪underscoring the significance of his victory for TheRegion&World bloomberg.com/opinion/articl…
Next target for the us imperial megaphone propaganda machine aka the 'free' press is AMLO . That was predictable.
So what's coming now-Planes arrived linked to CIA in past-What was the plane carrying-CIA contractors>?????
@OSFJustice @ICCwatch @AlistairBurtUK @UKUN_NewYork @franceonu @civicusSG @mandeep_tiwana1 @Tor_Hodenfield @gilbertcathal @EHAHRDP @humanrights1st @ONECampaign @SavetheChildren @CARE
#Venezuela #AttemptCoupInVenezuela #War #Warlords2019 #TheWorldWithVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVenezuela #ElMundoEstaConVzla #Democracy #HumanRights #dignity #Peace #Love #Freedom #UNCharter