That just 8 of the 62 student towers rising over 18m & using material that officials said breached building regs have so far been completely fixed. Remediation plans were unclear for 23 of the towers.
I wonder if it was one of the ones identified?…
What pestilence next?
The story suggests it had been checked and found to be safe.…

Was it just the specification that was checked?
Was a sample of the cladding removed and tested?
If so who was responsible for overseeing it?
Of course maybe this fire will not be attributed to cladding but hard to see how on current info.…

“The Gov had named (Rydon) on a list of 12 companies recommended to public bodies for works on high-rise residential buildings in the south of England, which some of the bereaved & survivors described as adding “insult to injury”…
Or, given that recent Gov Framework Contract award if any of its Directors or major shareholders are donors to the Tory Party? @petergeoghegan @peterjukes…
And worth remembering that on the morning that Grenfell blazed on the agenda of the Red Tape Committee was an item... yes... to “simplify” regulation on building cladding.
In fact it maybe that they were working in places as another student reported hearing one, thinking it was a drill until people started screaming it was a real fire below.
Meanwhile the excellent @ur_friend_papu has been doing some sleuthing about the owner of the student block in Bolton and that makes interesting reading.……

Some remedial work done on the block in 2018 and “signed off” by a firm called “Assent Building Control”

His loss to @BBCNewsnight is a great shame.
He reviews building and Fire regulation, however crude but effective from 1100 on.
Then concentrates on the Grenfell revelations and gaps and failing in testing.

Sir Ken Knight, a genuinely esteemed expert who chaired the group, literally signed the testing certificate for Reynobond 55 PE.- the cladding used in Grenfell.
Do read this terrific article by @xtophercook…
ACM (Grenfell)
High Pressure Laminate (HPL) as used in Lakinal where 6 people died, 3 women, 3 children.
And the risks re that are also known
What cladding was used in Bolton?
And what was known
But let’s keep reminding ourselves the investigation might reveal multiple causes. Why did those top floors burn so fiercely yet the lower floors did not?