In fact! I didn't even overhear about a crime being committed and nobody ever told me about overhearing a crime being committed either.
So why haven't I been subpoenaed?
My name is Anonymous. I've been fired TWICE & never recovered. I'm here because I'm here. And very sad.
A: Ukraine? Or Mykraine?
Q: Ukraine.
A: I've never been to Ukraine.
Q: But you have HEARD of Ukraine?
A: Yes. I believe so.
A: Thank you. Ummm. Yes. To the best of my knowledge it was my 8th or 9th grade teacher who told me about Mykraine. I mean...Ukraine. Yes. It's all so clear.
Q: The sacrifices you've made for our country can never be repaid. We will not subject you to any further questioning. Thank you.
A: I will be very willing to speak more about Mykraine when you need me.
Unroll PLEASE.