Like the pointless Nunes suits, they’re filed in VA despite the lack of a connection to any of the parties. Little on legal merit, plenty bombast.
Of course he’s been suspended. Of course. Twice, for a year, then 30 days. + Reprimanded!…
So Patel sued.
It’s very very #DevinNunes.

Pro-tip: if you call yourself brilliant, trusted, expert... you’re not.

I doubt #KashyapPatel the #DevinNunes toady has a clue what’s “extreme far-left,” but MSNBC ain’t it. If they were, @JoeNBC and the execrable @chucktodd wouldn’t have jobs there.

Bonus: Completely #DevinNunesIsAnIdiot-style mention of the nude Trump photos story. This discredits Nunes’ claim that Schiff sought the photos.

Plenty of #DevinNunes mentions in this lawsuit. I suspect Steven Biss reused a lot of material from some of the suits he already filed. And clearly #KashyapPatel has hurt feefees for being tied to Nunes by @Politico.
