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Nov 19th 2019
I’ve got some #DevinNunes lawsuit news, + if you live for that you should be following @kateirby at @FresnoBee! Here’s her story on Nunes’ former aide #KashyapPatel’s suit against @politico and @NatashaBertrand. $25M defamation, same lawyer as Nunes’ suits…
There’s lot of great detail in Irby’s piece, including that Kashyap “Kash” Patel is ***the author of the infamous “Nunes Memo”***. That shouldn’t surprise anyone that #DevinNunes, notorious for not reading any materials, couldn’t have written a conclusion on what they said.
This earlier tweet links to the @foxnews piece that first alerted Irby to the Patel lawsuit. Plenty to ruminate over in both pieces.

Like the pointless Nunes suits, they’re filed in VA despite the lack of a connection to any of the parties. Little on legal merit, plenty bombast.
Read 14 tweets
Nov 10th 2019
Sunny Isles, #FL Weird! 🙃Giuliani associates: Debts, lawsuits and a high-interest loan preceded associates' rise #Parnas #Fruman #UkraineExtortion…
Lev Parnas talking like he wants to testify against bigger fish
Lev Parnas bragged he was being funded by Dmitry Firtash, who is on the run from the U.S. gov’t for bribery:
Read 8 tweets
Oct 12th 2019
CALL these Dem Senators & ask them why they enable Trump’s #UkraineExtortion to skew our 2020 election by being against #Impeachment

AL @SenDougJones 202-224-4124
AZ @SenatorSinema 202-224-4521
CA @SenFeinstein 202-224-3841…
CALL these Dem Senators & ask them why they enable Trump’s #UkraineExtortion to skew our 2020 election by being against #Impeachment

DE @SenatorCarper 202-224-2441
NH @SenatorHassan 202-224-3324
NH @SenatorShaheen 202-224-2841…
CALL these Dem Senators & ask them why they enable Trump’s #UkraineExtortion to skew our 2020 election by being against #Impeachment

NJ @SenatorMenendez 202-224-4744
NV @SenJackyRosen 202-224-6244
RI @SenJackReed 202-224-4642…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
😳One of the first things Trump says sitting with #Ukraine’s President Zelensky: “He’s very very strongly looking at all sorts of corruption.”

Then Trump says Crimea was lost under Obama. “But it was a long time ago. It’s just one of those things”😱

#Ukraine’s Zelensky finesses question about pressure from Trump on call. He says, you saw it, and I don’t want to get involved. But TRUMP adds

SCOOP >> Acting DNI Maguire threatened to resign if he can’t speak freely to Congress. So he seems to be fighting back against the extraordinary and lawless pressure from Trump White House. Wow! #WhistleblowerComplaint #UkraineExtortion #Ukraine…
Read 3 tweets
Sep 25th 2019
1/16 It has begun. The GOP is spinning that the sole transcript Trump says he will release is more important than the #WhistleblowerComplaint as a tactic to insist everything should ride on this one supposed piece of evidence.

#ImpeachTrump #ImpeachmentParty #UkraineTranscript
2/16 All reports indicate this was a months-long conspiracy Trump and Giuliani were engaged in, subverting & bypassing officials who tried to stop them.

A single call does not BEGIN to give an accurate depiction of the events that lead up to this.…
3/16 And Trump already has a shady history with releasing information.

Forget the obvious like his tax returns, school grades, and secret meetings with Putin.

Actually, a reminder of those secret meetings:
Read 348 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
(1) I'll be honest, I had reservations about #impeachment since the start. It's not popular to say on Twitter, but I worry about an electoral backlash when the #Senate likely acquits. But #Trump's #UkraineExtortion is just too much; it's my breaking point.…
(2) Now we know that Trump personally ordered Mick Mulvaney to freeze $391 million in military aid to #Ukraine right before he pressured Ukrainian President Zelensky dig up dirt on the Bidens. This plot has all the criminal subtlety of a community theater production of Goodfellas
(3) It was bad enough #Trump targeted a political rival's son. It was horrifying he asked a foreign leader to intervene in our election. But now it's clear he turned U.S. military aid to #Ukraine into a shake-down scheme. If this isn't enough, where do we move the goalposts next?
Read 6 tweets
Sep 24th 2019
💥Trump ordered hold on $400 military aid for Ukraine days before phone call pressuring President Zelensky to investigate Biden’s son.… #Whistleblower #WhistleblowerComplaint #UkraineExtortion
OMB relayed Trump’s order to hold Ukraine’s military aid to State Dept & Pentagon in mid-July. Officials were instructed to tell lawmakers delays were part of “interagency process” & to give no additional info. Pattern continued for nearly 2 months, until the night of Sept. 11.
🚨Ukrainian President Zelensky told Senator Murphy “directly” that “the aid that was being cut off to Ukraine by the president was a consequence” of Zelensky’s unwillingness to launch investigation into the Bidens. #Whistleblower #WhistleblowerComplaint #Ukraine #UkraineScandal
Read 6 tweets

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