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Feb 8th 2023
"A War would be Disastrous"

(...for Russia, Germany, and Ukraine)

#CharlieWilsonsWar Round 2
The Ukraine Impeachment was a Cover Up Operation

Trump was RIGHT

Trump was Right about the Corruption in Ukraine

Trump was Right about Biden Family's Corruption and Links into Ukraine (under Obama)

London has influence in the #DeepState

Q: Who is #FionaHill ? Image
Q: Why did London oppose the Peace Deal in Ukraine?

Maybe someone should ask #VictoriaNuland Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 8th 2021
On #January6th 2021, Donald #Trump attempted a coup. He failed. But it was absolutely an attempted coup. It followed a familiar pattern: (1/4)
Step 1: The defeated president gives a speech to a group of supporters where he tells them he was robbed of the election, denounces his own administration's members and party as traitors and tells his supporters to storm the building where the voting is being held.(2/4)
Step 2: Supporters, many dressed in military attire and waving revolutionary-style flags, then storm the building where the federal law-enforcement agencies controlled by the current president do not establish a security cordon and quickly overwhelm police.(3/4)
Read 10 tweets
Feb 7th 2020
1/ THREAD: Donald Trump, Jr. verbally attacked Sen. Mitt Romney for voting for the conviction of his father. Junior used the same word to describe Romney as some men have used for decades, perhaps centuries, to describe someone who, they assert, lacks courage.
2/ It's also the same slang word his dad thinks where women should be grabbed without their consent.

In doing so, Trump Jr. demonstrated:

• His profound misogyny
• His own cowardice
3/ The use of this particular gendered slur for cowardice is especially ironic since the average woman has greater moral courage than the average man.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 26th 2020
1/10. Ukraine matters today as it has mattered for a century: as a signal of coming political trends. A century ago, it was the center of the wars after the First World War that ended in the creation of the Soviet Union. #SerhiiPlokhii #GatesofEurope
2/10. For Stalin, Ukraine was a breadbasket to be exploited to modernize the USSR. His policies led to the starvation of millions of inhabitants of Ukraine. @anneapplebaum #RedFamine
3/10. For Hitler, Ukraine was a breadbasket to be exploited to create a German empire. His desire to take Ukraine from the USSR brought about the Second World War. #Bloodlands
Read 10 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
Here's some background about #FionaHill naming #conspiracytheories against #Soros as the new "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" at the #ImpeachmentHearings. (1/16)
Right-wing regimes have long broken down the fabric of political protest by using the antisemitic notion of rich Jewish financiers as the “puppet masters” of social unrest. #ImpeachingHearing (2/16)
During the Russian Revolution, the Tsar’s secret police disseminated the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a fictional account of a meeting of rich Jews plotting to break down the society of their “host countries” and rule the world through the promotion of social upheaval. (3/16)
Read 17 tweets
Nov 22nd 2019
.@realDonaldTrump sent U.S. officials on a "domestic political errand" in Ukraine, #FionaHill testifies. via @FredLucasWH @DailySignal
@realDonaldTrump @FredLucasWH @DailySignal Hillsaid that certain Ukrainian officials “bet on the wrong horse.” “They bet on Hillary Clinton winning the election. So, you know, they were trying to curry favor with the Clinton campaign,” Hill said.
@realDonaldTrump @FredLucasWH @DailySignal “At the same time, certain Ukrainians did work against President Trump, some with the DNC,” Wenstrup said. “If that is ‘debunked,’ why has Mr. Schiff denied DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa [to] come forward and debunk it?”
Read 8 tweets
Nov 21st 2019
I know this is not news, but jeez hearing it directly from #DavidHolmes at the #ImpeachmentInquiry is just something else....

#Sondland to #Trump: "you can tell the #Kardashians you tried"

#FionaHill another woman, another immigrant, another patriotic public servant committed fully to the PRINCIPLES of our great nation.

#FionaHill talking about the role of #DevinNunes' senior aide #KashPatel in Trump's 'understanding' of Ukraine.

The full tight circle.

Read 9 tweets
Nov 19th 2019
I’ve got some #DevinNunes lawsuit news, + if you live for that you should be following @kateirby at @FresnoBee! Here’s her story on Nunes’ former aide #KashyapPatel’s suit against @politico and @NatashaBertrand. $25M defamation, same lawyer as Nunes’ suits…
There’s lot of great detail in Irby’s piece, including that Kashyap “Kash” Patel is ***the author of the infamous “Nunes Memo”***. That shouldn’t surprise anyone that #DevinNunes, notorious for not reading any materials, couldn’t have written a conclusion on what they said.
This earlier tweet links to the @foxnews piece that first alerted Irby to the Patel lawsuit. Plenty to ruminate over in both pieces.

Like the pointless Nunes suits, they’re filed in VA despite the lack of a connection to any of the parties. Little on legal merit, plenty bombast.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 23rd 2019
We are all noticing women are doing a lot of the heavy lifting on protecting the Constitution right?

Power over principle is more of a male trait for many reasons including:

#MalePrivilege #MaleSupremacy #MaleEntitlement #OldBoysClub #MaleFragility
Women are all over this standing up against tyranny & abuse of power. #YuliaTymoshenko former Prime Minister of #Ukraine who supports EU integration, strongly opposes membership of Russia-led Eurasian Customs Union. The one #Manafort worked to smear:…
@AlexandraChalup tried to raise alarms early about #Manafort's involvement in the Trump campaign, having seen his involvement in getting pro-Putin #ViktorYanukovich elected Prime Minister of Ukraine via Kremlin-style disinformation warfare.…
Read 6 tweets
Sep 6th 2018
Oh, Fiona!
Take the quotes in the “anonymous” op-ed and run a search. You’ll find her there.
Read 45 tweets

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