Andrew Yang is a good guy, and I like a number of his ideas (including UBI and VAT). But on the threat of automation, the math just doesn't check out. Here is why:……
Paul Krugman pointed this out the other day.
But the math for this thesis just doesn't work out.
Back then we had accelerating labor productivity and falling wages. Maybe it was partly because of the rise of machine tools in manufacturing?
Could be an interesting argument.…

Machine tools might have taken our manufacturing jobs, and AI algos might take our service jobs!!

Nothing wrong with that!!
When most people hear "robots are taking our jobs", their first instinct is not "let's eliminate jobs", it's "let's protect our jobs".
And that means attacking technology.
Most people are not as far-thinking or calm as @AndrewYang, and will only heed the first of those two steps.
Their reaction will be: SMASH THE LOOMS!……
And the math shows the robot takeover just isn't happening (yet).
So, let's all calm down. We've got time to think this one through.