So, imagine my surprise...
I'm genuinely amazed.
So, I hear you cry, what vile thing did you say?
Sadly, I didn't take a screenshot (on account of how he's not a snowflake & I assumed he'd not censor it but engage instead).
But I can remember!
@murdo_fraser was trying to make a point about @NicolaSturgeon and #IndyRef2.
Here it is...

So, I pointed it out.
I posted something like "But surely, if there is an #IndyRef2, the Union is only in danger if you have no arguments that Scotland is better off in the Union. Otherwise, it's not in danger."
I am well aware that I can be pretty feisty online but, sometimes, I like to play with logic and things like that and engage in debate. I was doing that in the knowledge that, as a non-snowflake, he'd engage and we could argue it out.
But what I'd forgot was that unionism is now part of the Brexit cult. It's not logic & reality. It's about faith.
Nobody may question the believers.
But it is what it is.
I had based my unionism on facts as they stood at the time. Scotland, I surmised, was better as a partner in a UK within the EU.
Only then did I realise I'd got the facts wrong
Tonight he deleted my comment rather than debate...
@NicolaSturgeon, the floor is yours. Murdo has given up. I cannot wait to see Scotland free again. Make it happen!