t’s been a “miserable” 2 years of clawing my way back to running, each time to only get sidelined another injury.
But I’ve learned a few things (thread)
It’s a lot of things to me, and always will be. Running is pure, meditative, and honestly one of the largest sources of joy in my life.
But can I live without it? Yes. I’ve had to...
I know I just said it isn’t everything...but absence makes the heart grow fonder. I probably love (and appreciate) running now more than ever.
I’m not 20 anymore and no longer immune to injury.
Strength training is now more important than ever for performance...but also injury prevention.
I can no longer go from 0 to 70 miles per week like I once could. This was likely the reason for a few stress fractures...
I gave my PT a thank-you note after round 2 and said “hope to never see you again” (In the nicest way possible...)
I could never rehab on my own. TGFPTs