I was an Analyst & then a Manager, working for a Director of Marketing. As marketers, we shouldn't be in a position to influence merchandise/creative much, correct?
Did Marketing have this place in the organization before she took the job? Absolutely now. She "willed" her way into merchandising/creative decisions.
And in any meeting with non-marketers, she changed the rhythm of the meeting from bashing marketing to evaluating merchandise / creative.
Merchant - I'm not convinced you mailed the right people the catalog.
Marketing - Why are you running a mock turtleneck on page 3 when we know from the past five years that every time we do that the catalog tanks??
Creative - Sales would have increased if we mailed more customers.
Marketing - Look at the dress on page 15. Catherine (our best model) isn't wearing it. No wonder it performed 30% worse. Why would we do that? Are we stupid? If it is on Catherine, it works.
But she sure got herself invited to an ever-increasing number of Executive-level meetings.
And by proxy, her staff (me) got invited as well.
Merchandising: The July catalog tanked.
Marketing: Why did we put a bald man on the cover of the catalog? That's why the catalog performed so poorly (true story). Do we like flushing money down the toilet?
1992 = Director.
1995 = President, Kids Division.
2001 = EVP Merch/Creative.
2006 = Founded Own Brand.
2011 = Sold Brand, Retired.
It is the responsibility of a Marketer to hold a business accountable ... to stop sloppiness, to work with coworkers more than with vendors, to CARE about merchandise and creative & analyze the heck out of each discipline.
It's what is required of a modern marketer (that's you).
Go out there and fuse your discipline with merchandising and creative.