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May 17th 2023
Interested in publishing an academic book? Here’s some tips from acquisition editors Dan Quinlan of @utpress, Emily Andrew of @McGillQueensUP and Randy Schmidt of @UBCPress as we prepare for a publishing panel at #CPSA2023 that I’ll be moderating. A thread… 🧵 ImageImageImageImage
1. Research the publisher. Familiarize yourself with their books. Address your first correspondence to the acquisitions editor by name. No “Dear Editor”! (Dan Quinlan @utpress) #publishing
2. Schedule meetings with editors at conferences. Send a 1-2 page overview of your project in advance. Practice an elevator pitch. (@eandreweditor) #conferences
Read 9 tweets
Mar 8th 2023
Starting now w/ @AiHisano Geoff Jones and Robert Lockhart - ESC event about #writing your #firstbook #bizhis
What steps emerging business historians should take to write their first monograph?
From @AiHisano
1) think about what kind of scholar you want to be,
2) explore broader frameworks for your book than you had in your dissertation
Geoff Jones: "as much as you can, leave some space between your defense and your book, perhaps write one article to focus on your specific contributions, put yourself out there, then write a better-conceptualized book project"
Read 11 tweets
Aug 22nd 2022
What I've learned after giving over 100 talks around the world 🤯😱

🧵 /1 Image
Today I brought something special for you! I'll show how I reached 10 different countries, what I learned to keep myself calm while speaking to huge audiences, and much more!

This video is very special for me as I'm sharing my experiences and the reason behind Why I started giving talks in the first place.

Read 8 tweets
Jul 9th 2022
Nearly all recent in person academic conferences/workshops I heard off (unsurprisingly) turned into #Covid mass spreader events. Trouble is that offline conferences not only increase ableist segregation, but also in this way contribute to chronic disability 🧵#AcademicTwitter 1/7
Every (re)infection significantly increases the chances of #LongCovid, and other long term #chronicillness. And those who already have #LongCovid or another #disability (many academics!!) can often not even consider participating. 2/7
Remember that vaccinations do not protect sufficiently (by a looong way!!) against #LongCovid. And so anyone can suddenly become severely disabled. Long Covid is not being a bit tired, but for many more akin to living one's death. I kid you not. It is torture. 3/7
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Mar 18th 2022
🧵1. #IPERN officially launched on #StPatricksDay 2021 so it's our 1st birthday today!🎂🚑☘ It's been quite a year - we've hosted 10 events featuring 49 speakers (31% International 🌍 65% Female 🚺). Presented at 3 conferences, secured 3 grants and launched 5 SIG! #IrishEMS
2. How it all began… we announced ourselves to the Twitter world on Feb 1st '21. In Ireland this is traditionally the start of Spring (#Imbolc) so a time for new beginnings. It’s also St. Brigid‘s Day our matron saint who Is renowned as a healer #IrishEMS
3. Our official #IPERN launch on #StPatricksDay 2021 featured a fantastic array of Irish researchers presenting "elevator pitches" of their work and also included best wishes from international friends & colleagues! #IrishEMS
Read 34 tweets
Jan 10th 2022
#MedStudents, #Residents, #Fellows, and #Research Trainees - I recently had both a resident and fellow ask me how I got involved in research and published when I was a #trainee. I thought I would share my tips and advice in this thread. #MedTwitter #ACGME #MedStudentTwitter
1. Ask yourself👉what you want from this? To pursue research as career? To boost application for #residency #fellowship #employment? To get a recommendation letter? Regardless, aim for #publication (most value). Conference talks are cool, but publications stay on CV forever!
2. Basic science research=⬆️time+lab training vs clinical research. Study designs: RCTs, prospective, retrospective, case reports, review papers. Publishing case reports+review papers are most feasible endeavors during training! Best way to boost #publication numbers.
Read 22 tweets
Feb 1st 2021
📢We are gearing up for the #IRMIAC2021, with a #workshop on pre-award #grant management!

IRMI (India Research Management Initiative) Annual Conference is focused on “Bringing Professional #ResearchManagement into the Indian #Science & #Innovation Ecosystem”👥

Stay tuned! ImageImageImageImage
⏱️The clock is ticking!

#IRMI Annual Conference - the first-of-its-kind for #ResearchManagement professionals in India - starts at 2:30 pm today👥

Watch this #thread for updates from #IRMIAC2021!

Glimpses from Pre-Conference #Workshop 3 on 'Post-Award Grant Management'👇 ImageImageImageImage

Inaugural session of the much-awaited #IRMI Annual Conference 2021🥁

India Alliance CEO @VasanSambandam1 takes through India Research Management Initiative - the history, purpose and opportunities🧑‍🏫

If you're at the conference, give us a shoutout using #IRMIAC2021! ImageImageImageImage
Read 46 tweets
Jan 7th 2021
good afternoon, scholars & academians! << we are kicking off ( via #mla21 ) a 2021 discord community for anyone publishing in (or studying/interested in!) social justice, medical/health lit, MAD studies, or disability-adjacent fields -- SUPPORT GROUP <3
#mla2021 #mla21 #MLA #conferences #academia #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter #AcademicMentalHealth -- trying to promote graduate grassroots community activism. could you use your great powers to help spread the word, and increase small spaces of support? <3 i will bake a cake.
@DisabledAcadem @AcademicChatter @chron_ac @AcademicAbleism @MindfulAcademix @academicvoices -- trying to promote graduate grassroots community activism. could you use your great powers to help spread the word, and increase small spaces of support? <3.
Read 7 tweets
Nov 11th 2020
Good morning! Thanks a lot for your invaluable input yesterday about important steps for translation & interpreting graduates and beginners on how to become a successful #freelancer. Learning from seasoned colleagues, for example as a member in an organization, is a key factor.
Today, let's focus on our professionalism. Establishing a network, attending #webinars #seminars #conferences, investing time in learning how to use a CAT tool etc. are only parts of the mosaic. In order to find and keep clients we need to act like pros.
We all expect our clients to perceive us as professional service-providers at eye level. We are neither amateurs nor hobby-translators looking for some quick cash. Honesty towards a client is important, e.g. if you're not enough qualified or a suggested deadline can't be met.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 10th 2020
Good morning! Yesterday we spoke about translation & interpreting graduates who often are not sufficiently prepared for a #freelance life. In your opinion, what steps are necessary to become a successful freelancer?
Thanks a lot for so many good ideas! I could add the ability to act like a professional (more about that later), staying curious & always keep learning, building up a pro network, keeping a healthy life/work balance. After all, we need to recharge to stay on top.
Did anybody mention joining a professional T&I organisation? Many have reduced membership fees for students and graduates. Apart from networking with colleagues, many offer CPD (continuing professional development) #webinars and #seminars which cover a number of different topics.
Read 5 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
I am humbled and privilleged to note that my #Research paper; "Sources of #Unemployment in #Lesotho" is now available and can be accessed via the People's Republic of #China's National #Science and #Technology #Library - #NSTL. I give thanks 😎 Image
So far this year, I have successfully published three #Research articles in #Macroeconomics & #Finance, with another two in press. I am currently hammering away at a handful of working papers which will most certainly find a home in reputable #Journals, come 2021 🙏🏽🙂 Image
Im currently internalising the very insightful reviewer comments on my latest #Research paper titled; "Investigating Determinants of Commercial Bank Spreads in #Lesotho", from the good folks over at the globally reputable #International #Journal of #Finance & #Economics #IJFE 😊 ImageImage
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Sep 1st 2019
After the wonderful @EANBoard #SoMe4Epis module on social media for public health professionals, on request:

[THREAD] Here’s my bag of resources and explanations for beginners, to get started on social media

Kicking off with an introduction to social media for scientists by @hollybik & @MiriamGoldste

All in the familiar academic format of a journal article:…

#scicomm @PLOSBiology
So why engage in social media as an epidemiologist or public health professional?

It helps to build trust in science!

#PLOSONE: Using selfies to challenge public stereotypes of scientists

#scicomm #scientistswhoselfie
Read 17 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
One of my many pet-peeves at conferences... The ID Badge!

Nearly 50 per cent of the Badges are flipped - as a result you end up seeing a blank card. Why don't they print names on both sides? :)

Also, the font small, it is often impossible to read.
One more (I think I should create a thread/blog-post on this :))

Organizers (hotels) in India need to provide plenty of strong (black) coffee! The heavy conference food and boring talks/panels are recipes for sleep.

Good caffeine is available in plenty in U.S. conferences😉
A note for 'Panel Moderators' - Please just 'moderate'! And speak in moderation :) ... Ideally, as little as possible.

Your job is to ask good questions and get the panelists to speak. Not 'grandstand'. Interrupt, only if the panelist is going on for too long, or off-topic.
Read 7 tweets
Feb 2nd 2019
Des responsabilités aussi pour @pintofscienceFR. 👩‍🔬🍺 Ce sont 18 #conférences dans 6 #bars différents, sur diverses thématiques : des neurosciences aux sciences politiques, en passant par la physique et les sciences de la terre, il y en aura pour tous les goûts ! 😍
Notre #job : trouver des chercheurs et leurs doctorants, les briefer sur le festival, trouver des bars en capacité d’accueillir l’événement… et tout ça depuis octobre ! @pintofscienceFR
Nous avons été très bien accueillis au sein de l’équipe de bénévoles, certains sont expérimentés, pour d’autres c’est également leur première édition. Nous avons pu partager et échanger sur nos #expériences.😊🙃
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Jun 1st 2018
Tips to #conferences offering #diversity tickets (THREAD)

1) Make it clear on your ticketing page that you offer diversity tickets.

2) Be specific about what you are offering e.g. is travel and accommodation incuded?

3) Be clear on how you decide on allocation of tickets.
4) Set expectations on when the applicant can expect a response and in what form.

5) Add your event to
6.1) Give applicants a reply ASAP - if it's a NO they may still want to buy a paid ticket during the early bird pricing window

6.2) Give applicants a reply ASAP - if it's a YES they will also need to book travel and accommodation - making them wait exposes them to higher costs
Read 7 tweets

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