That caps Biden’s and Bernie’s support. We know them already.
Someone separates from the pack, draws interest and attention, plateaus and then falls back.
Kamala. Then Warren.
Now Mayor Pete is ascending and separating.
But then they go from challenger to leader, the dynamics change, they lose momentum... and that loss of momentum in and of itself breaks the spell in a way.
The candidate most likely to break out from the peloton next IMHO - messed up though it is - is Bloomberg.
I called Sanders failure to gain any new support.
I called Warren abruptly severing her rise with her M4A plan.
I called Pete’s ascendence to Iowa front-runner and likely winner.
Within a month the major media narrative will be about Mayor Pete’s staying power near the lead; Bernie and Biden still going sideways; Warren falling out of the lead pack; and Bloomberg’s momentum.
As I’ve been saying all primary, the media loves a horse race. And they love a stalking horse far more than a front-runner.
That favors challengers... until they’re leaders.
A whole lot of past primaries have been lost by candidates who broke out from the pack but hit the lead too early.
A whole lot have been won by candidates whose upswing came at the perfect moment: as we started voting.