She is heading to the mountain-to rain, and to snow.
May The Merciful bless her every step, and that of the team.
Any donation would be very much appreciated. She’s trekking to raise funds for emergency relief:…

The climb is STEEP. The weather hot and humid ATM
She’s been a little sick, and has to go slower than she wants, but she’s digging in. Says she feels positive. One foot in front of the other.
#Kilimanjaro #warrior…
The air is getting thinner and she’s finding it harder to breath on the🏔
It’s a ten hour hike today up to 4640 m/15220 ft 😬😳😱 and then down again to 3985 m/13070 ft!
Your prayers for her and the group much appreciated, as would be your donations! ❤️
Dr took care of her, but this challenge is not to be underestimated. One of the porters fainted and had to be carried off the mountain!
Duas for all pls!
The porter got carried from the mountain after a hypo.
One of the trekkers had to evacuated today due to pulmonary odema.
They are waiting for medical supplies before taking on the Barranco Wall.
They have to do 2 days hiking in 1 day to make up for lost time.
Following yesterday’s enforced rest day they have completed yesterday’s walk by lunch.
They will then do today’s trek this afternoon.
And then they will begin summit at 3am tonight.
That is a lot of climbing!
Prayers for all!
Sumayyah has some facial odema but decreasing now she’s moving.
Has altitude sickness but she’s coping. Small stumble today but the porter Abdullah & teammates helped her.
She’s determined to summit.
Prayers for all!
Still has to summit!
Toy Story onesie with cloud pattern-just perfect!
So many of you have already generously donated. Thank you/JZK!
All donations to the Emergency Response Appeal are very welcome!
(Suitable for zakat and sadada)…

Please keep the entire expedition in your prayers. It is a long climb at -10c plus windchill! 🥶
This single picture & a message:
“Not even 1/4. So tired.”
She barely slept last night.
They climbed 2 days hike in 1 day yesterday, and now must ascend a further 4000ft.
Air thin. Weather -10c
#duas #conquerKilimanjaro

Still 1000ft to go!!
Snow and wind. It is cold up there 🥶.
Sumayyah is absolutely shattered! I reckon they all are!
Prayers for the entire team!

And I couldn’t be more proud!
Weather conditions were absolutely atrocious at the very top apparently.
Back at Barafu Huts-where she will spend the night, before descending tomorrow.
Can’t wait to have her back in my arms for a hug!
Please do pop a donation her way! Would love it to be a little higher when she wakes up. I mean she did just climb 5894m/19341ft!…
She looks like she’s in the Antarctic!
My heart is honestly fit to burst! ❤️

Seriously though - how cute is that face?!
Masha’Allah! Masha’Allah
(I know, I know—super proud Mum alert!)

Please unroll.
Thank you.