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While our allies in Rhode Island pressure the Wyatt Detention Center to end its contract with ICE, @UMBBank sued the city to keep its contract.

We will not stand idly by while companies like @UMBBank cage our neighbors for profit.
We know what happens next. #NeverAgainIsNow

We demand UMB stop collaborating with ICE and divest from all investments in immigrant detention and the deportation machine.

We will keep coming back and make it impossible for them to do business as usual.
That's the cost of working with ICE.

We have the power to shut down ICE and the deportation machine.
Are you with us?
Join #JewsAgainstICE and sign the pledge today:

Watch here:
"Od yavo shalom aleinu"
Peace will come upon us, yet.
And upon all people.
We are actively fighting for this vision by taking on ICE and its collaborators across the country

Support the bail fund:
Sign the pledge:

We will win.

A national network of ICE and its collaborators can only be shut down through the coordinated effort of immigrants, #JewsAgainstICE, and allies from coast-to-coast.
We're only getting stronger.
Join us?

We'll be back.

Please call & help us find out where they are! 816-234-5111

Direct action works.
Now, on to San Diego and Rhode Island.