And every yr, women have to listen to male colleagues complain that there's no equivalent conference for men in medicine.
This is a THREAD on allyship.…
Some men DID take issue with his behaviour, but the overwhelming majority looked the other way.
Will the man who chose to publicly humiliate his colleague over her routine call trade request face any consequences? Or even mild criticism?
Likewise how often will those of us with white privilege use it to defend BIPOC colleagues? How many of us with straight and/or cis privilege stand up for LGBTQ+ colleagues?
As someone who locumed in Inuvik several yrs ago, allow me to say this on behalf of that lovely, vibrant community: fuck off.
You don't get points for NOT being sexist/racist/homophobic/transphobic.
Allyship is using your privileged voice to call out bigotry while supporting and centering the voices of the marginalized.
It's the golf course, it's in the locker room, it's at the bar. It's all the places women don't "belong" where you've spent decades celebrating each other and passing out mentorships and reference letters.
The halls of power in health care have been dominated by the same people FOREVER.
Women/BIPOC fill the lower levels and do the majority of the caregiving, but white men make all the decisions.
You are DEFINITELY not an ally if you're happy to let the victims of bigotry fight the same exhausting battles over and over again.
Let's hear all the male allies stand up on behalf of my colleague who wants to attend the @CdnWIM conference, so I can lie on beach and forget to apply sunscreen instead of calling this shit out.