I wake up & glance at twitter & see:
*the signed letter by 700 historians demanding impeachment
*historians attacking the 1619 project in the WSJ
*a group of Republicans founding “the Lincoln Project” to tell America’s story
But there’s more to say.
As a nation & a people, we are the sum of our past & our understanding of it.
The study of history offers the building blocks.
For people to value democracy & see the threats against it, they need the building blocks of history to understand our core ideals & beliefs, & the ways we have & HAVEN’T met them in the past.
We see everyday that vast numbers of people have no idea of their rights, & are willingly surrendering them.
They can have very real consequences.
Political consequences.
National consequences.
There should be.
A glorious cacophony of ideas & voices.
An ongoing debate about who we are and who we want to be as a people.
That’s democracy. (I know that’s over-simplified, but you get my point.)
Of course, there is no single interpretation of our history.
It’s not set in stone. We discover & rethink things. We disagree. A lot. Loudly.
Meanings get added and subtracted.
The US began as an experiment in self-governance.
However we choose to interpret our Constitution—however much we disagree about meanings & implications...
That simple fact is there.
And the study of history is how you learn what it is, how it succeeded or failed, what it means to you, & how you choose to take part in it.
Study history.
A lot depends upon it.
A historian