If you’re a GOP Senator up for reelection and you don’t vote to remove Trump from office, you’re just as corrupt as he & his Cabinet are.
19 GOP senators who’ll be asked to vote to cleanse the office of President or to condone its corruption:
#AK @SenDanSullivan 202-224-3004
#AZ @SenMcSallyAZ 202-224-2235
#AR @SenTomCotton 202-224-2353
#CO @SenCoryGardner 202-224-5941
#GA @SenDavidPurdue 202-224-3521

19 GOP senators who’ll be asked to vote to cleanse the office of President or to condone its corruption:
#ID @SenatorRisch 202-224-2752
#IA @SenJoniErnst 202-224-3254
#KY @SenateMajLdr 202-224-2541
#LA @SenBillCassidy 202-224-5824
#ME @SenatorCollins 202-224-2523

19 GOP senators who’ll be asked to vote to cleanse the office of President or to condone its corruption:
#MS @SenHydeSmith 202-224-5054
#MT @SteveDaines 202-224-2651
#NE @SenSasse 202-224-4224
#NC @SenThomTillis 202-224-6342
#OK @JimInhofe 202-224-4721

19 GOP senators who’ll be asked to vote to cleanse the office of President or to condone its corruption:
#SC @LindseyGrahamSC 202-224-5972
#SD @SenatorRounds 202-224-5842
#TX @JohnCornyn 202-224-2934
#WV @SenCapito 202-224-6472

If you’re a GOP Senator, don’t lie to yourself. You either vote for impeachment or vote for corruption.