Banking Baggie, you blinkered buffoon: this is coming from the far right. Which is rising ACROSS THE WORLD. While idiots like you endanger Jews like me everywhere by demonising the very people standing up for us.
Two thirds of Tory members think parts of UK are under Sharia law. BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
The UK gives a racist a huge majority. BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
Jacob Rees-Mogg says two Jewish MPs are 'illuminati'. BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
Johnson says the best way to honour the memory of a pro-EU MP murdered by the far right is to "get Brexit done". BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
The poor, disabled, infirm, unemployed all demonised. BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
Nationalism causes UK to vote itself into disaster. BB: "Far right will never take hold here"
Hate crimes against Jews going up too. BB: "It must be the left's fault... because the far right will never take hold here".
Banking Baggie (as he's being taken away): "The far right will never take hold here".