Did you know?
Lucis Trust is the publishing arm of the #UnitedNations
Alice Bailey, founder of Lucis Trust, was a disciple of Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the founder of the “Religion” of #Theosophy
Lucis Trust 👇
“Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the ‘Holy Ghost’ & ‘Satan’ at one & the same time.”
Great book 👇

He is the father of the push 4 the #NewWorldOrder ,the creator of the Society of the Elect (the British Secret Society of elites/ central bankers, united for the formation of a #NWO)
Rhodes was a Satanist and a pedophile
Rhodes -> Society of the Elect -> Pilgrim Society -> #CFR -> #UN
At least in the early days, the Pilgrim Society also had its subset of Satanist members
And all the ties to Satan worship ...
I am none too pleased to conjecture what the One World Religion is supposed to be