1. Why did AIMCO write a business case that was a clear conflict of interest?
2. Why has so little information been provided on a decision that stands to cost taxpayers $160 million per year?
4. Why did you use 1 year costs but 10 year return for comparison?
6. Why did you send out the "economies of scale" business case with an ON report that warns of the dis-economies of scale in funds above $90 billion? #hugeconflict
(This is a central problem here, ATRF is a smaller fund than AIMCO but compared to the industry it is large,)
8. Who is this Peter guy from BC that signed off on the business case? How much was he paid? #conflictofinterest
10. Why are you insisting contribution rates will go down for ATRF as a result of this change when they are already headed that way?
12. Why doesn't AIMCO have legal protection from political interference like CPP does?
14. AIMCO recommends comparing risk adjusted returns with a common year end to compare investment results. Why was this never done here?
15. How many AIMCO execs are big time UCPers?