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Die Jüdische Stimme für Terrorismusverherrlichung und Antisemitismus gibt sich redlich Mühe, die Aufrufe zur 3. Intifada, die über das Mikro ihrer #Nakba-Kundgebung #b2005 getätigt wurden, zu verklären. Bericht JFDA, siehe Video:… 1x Screenshot zum ersten Teil ...
Nachdem von ihnen und der BDS-Bubble versucht wurde, über Antisemitismus aufgeklärte Journalist:innen zu denunzieren und somit die unliebsame Berichterstattung umzudeuten und zu verhindern (in Anti-Antifa-Manier inkl. Doxing), fokussieren sich die 2x
die Bemühungen wieder auf Verklärungen, wo selbstverständlich auch keine unliebsamen Richtigstellungen im Thread zugelassen werden. Ganz der BDS-Umdeutung von "Intifada" folgend, wonach es sich "lediglich" um einen arabischen Begriff für "Aufstand" im Sinne des zivilen 3x Image
Read 15 tweets
The police report which tries to justify the ban on Berlin's #Nakba rally on May 20th is insane.
1) uses racist circular-logic: "because the Israeli attacks on 🇵🇸 increased, this could upset *emotional* brown Berliners + cause them to act impulsively"
Police #Nakba Ban 2:
Police claim "BDS, and slogans *From the river to the sea* or *Boykott Israel* are *anti-semitic*"
This police claim itself is anti-Semitic, i.e. policies of Israeli government=Jews.
The appearence of a different rally as "militant" is also used as a smear Image
Police #Nakba75 ban 3:
Even the slogan "Free Palestine" is rated as a threat

Acts of Israeli violence are described only from the Zionist perspective, e.g. the death of Khader Adnan 10x jailed without mentioning that he was NEVER charged nor tried.
Read 4 tweets
It's been 75 years since Arab nations attacked Israel vowing to throw the Jews into the sea. 75 years of non-stop attacks on Jews many of whom had barely overcome the horrors of Nazism to be met with Pan-Arabist desires to annihilate them again.
Then as now they never once looked at themselves preferring to see Jews as evil incarnate. Their hubris led to their downfall, this same hubris is alive & kicking today. Jews are seen as pigs & dogs & the relentless vilification has led them to seeing us as less than humans.
They tried to defeat us militarily multiple times &, against on all odds Israel only survived it flourished.
They rejected every peace proposal. Never in history has the loser set the conditions for peace yet Israel was willing to listen; & got the infamous 3 Nos of Khartum.
Read 13 tweets
Today, we join other Palestinians in marking 75 years since so many of our people were ethnically cleansed; their homes destroyed or stolen as they were turned into refugees.

They are still denied their right of return to this day.

#Nakba75 #Nakba #NakbaDay Image
What do we mean when we say “Nakba”? Image
Today and every day, reject the lie that Palestinians left willingly. Image
Read 9 tweets
Today is #NakbaDay. 75 years ago a catastrophe was visited on the Palestinian people - the violent beginnings of Israel's occupation. It continues today.

@vonderleyen recently described these events as a "dream." That is unacceptable, and must be condemned. #VonDerLies #Nakba
A "tragedy" is a terrible event nobody is really responsible for. It is totally unacceptable for a German politician to use the @EU_Commission to minimise the historic crimes of the Nazi regime as a mere "tragedy," and in the same breath as she downplays the #Nakba. #vonderLies
It's beyond disgraceful for an @EU_Commission President to allow the propaganda lie "Israel made the desert bloom" to come out of her mouth, denying the prior existence of Palestinians in their homeland. We must oppose apologism for the occupation in #EU institutions. #vonderLies
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🇵🇸#Nakba75: o que é a catástrofe palestina?

Todos os anos, no dia 15/05, palestinos
e apoiadores da causa relembram a #Nakba (do árabe, “catástrofe”), referindo-se à limpeza étnica da Palestina e à destruição quase total da sociedade que habitava os territórios pré-1948. 🧵 Image
Neste dia, #Israel passou a existir: sua criação foi um processo violento que envolveu a expulsão forçada de milhares de palestinos de suas terras para o estabelecimento de um Estado de maioria judaica, de acordo com as aspirações do movimento sionista. Image
As forças sionistas tomaram mais de 78% da #Palestina histórica, limparam etnicamente e destruíram cerca de 530 vilas e cidades (a exemplo do Plano Dalet), e mataram cerca de 15.000 palestinos em uma série de atrocidades, incluindo 70+ massacres. #Nakba75 Image
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Well today is 'Nakba Day' - if you believe the story the anti-Israel industry spins on the 15 may - then I suggest that you read this thread - 1/13

#Nakba #NakbaDay #Nakba75

Thread ⬇️⬇️⬇️
There are two 'Nakbas'.

1. The real catatrophe that occured when the Arabs failed to wipe out the Jewish state.

2. The mythical narrative that they remember on Nakba Day 2/13
They build their story on several pillars:
That the Palestinians welcomed the Jews
The Palestinians were innocent victims
The Jews planned to expel them
It was a one-sided slaughter
The demographic weakness of the Jews
The Arab armies had to save the Palestinians 3/13 Image
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In 1947 the #UnitedNations voted to partition Palestine, there followed a war and a land grab by Zionists forces.

The Palestinian village of #Tantura was emptied of its inhabitants as victorious Zionist forces swept into the area, massacred its people but enjoyed their property.
Israeli army veterans openly admit what they did.

"A state is seized by the sword"
"We killed them .... without remorse"
"If you killed you did a good thing"
"I was willing to kill because that's how I was raised"

Teddy Katz first revealed the truth of what happened to Palestinians #Tantura and for this he has suffered greatly.

He tells the reporter "be careful because you will be hunted down like I was."

He has in his collection many tapes and hours of interviews with witnesses.
Read 41 tweets
🧵Reading the archives of the US Embassy in Jordan today, I came across this heart-breaking account:

On Nov. 2, 1950, an Israeli soldier executed two Palestinian refugee children, Ali Elayan, aged 12, and Fakhriyeh Elayan, aged 10, from the village of Yalu. 1/
The children were out gathering wood when soldiers crossed the no-man's land separating Israel from Jordan and grabbed the children, took them into the no-man's land, and shot them in cold blood while their father witnessed the terrible deed from a nearby hilltop. 2/
All of this was verified by UN observers who found the casings for the bullets. I won't post the disturbing autopsy photos to preserve the dignity of the children. The children were refugees from the nearby village of Deir Ayyub, one of 100s Israel destroyed during the #Nakba. 3/
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1. The UN General Assembly on Wednesday adopted its first resolution to commemorate Nakba Day, the “day of catastrophe”, when Palestinians were driven from their homes in 1948 following the foundation of Israel. #Nakba #UNGA #PalestineWillBeFree Image
2. A total of 90 states voted in favour of the resolution, while 30 were against, including the US, the UK, Germany and Canada. Forty-seven countries abstained.
#Nakba #PalestineWillBeFree #UnitedNations #UNGA77
3. “Our people deserve recognition of their plight, justice for the victims, reparation for their loss and fulfilment of their rights.”, said Palestinian UN envoy Riyad Mansour to UN Assembly.
Israel Ambassador to the UN, Gilad Erdan, called the resolution ‘’ baseless ‘’. #UN
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🧵 75 years ago today, the United Nations recommended partitioning #Palestine against the wishes of its majority indigenous Palestinian population for the benefit of a minority settler-colonial movement. This injustice violated Palestinians' right to self-determination. 1/
Even Dr. Ralph Bunche, who wrote the partition plan, was "not all satisfied with my scheme" but believed it was a "reasonable and workable compromise." But was it really reasonable, workable, or just?

Source: Brian Urquhart, Ralph Bunche: An American Odyssey, pp. 149-150. 2/
The UN recommended giving the Zionist movement 55% of #Palestine, including most of its most fertile land, even though the Jewish population of the country was only 33% of the total and the Zionist movement had only colonized less than 7% of the land. 3/
Read 14 tweets
Hoy es el Día Internacional de Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino 🇵🇸.

Otro año más, cabe explicar muy brevemente (no podré mencionar numerosos aspectos) cómo empezó todo en #Palestina-#Israel y cuáles son sus claves históricas.

La cuestión de Palestina:

-No se retrotrae 2.000 años atrás

-No es de índole religiosa (aunque el territorio se conoce como "Tierra Santa" y varios actores utilizan la religión como elemento legitimador)

-No hay un supuesto odio congénito entre personas judías y musulmanas
La cuestión de Palestina es contemporánea y colonial

Empezó en el s. XIX cuando 1 minoría de judíos europeos creó el movimiento #sionista

Su objetivo: crear 1 Estado exclusiva o mayoritariamente judío en el mayor territorio de Palestina

El sionismo no representaba al judaísmo
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🔴The highlights of the Palestine's legal scene for this week:
🔻New scholarly journal named Palestine/Israel Review announces its first issue to be published in November 2024 and calls for paper submissions. Image
🔻A panel discussion on “Holocaust, #Nakba and German Remembrance Culture” taking place at the Goethe-Institut in Tel Aviv was postponed after sparking criticism from both Israeli & int’l Jewish organizations for comparing the Palestinian Nakba and the Jewish #Holocaust
🔻Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas rejects a U.S. request to reconsider pushing for a UN resolution that asks the International Court of Justice to issue a legal opinion on whether the Israeli occupation of the West Bank constitutes a de facto annexation.
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“This is the background..
You couldn’t have created that Jewish exclusive state without oppressing or expelling the local population
It’s the longest ethnic cleansing operation in the 20th & 21st Century & it’s still ongoing “

From An Infant Survivor of the #Holocaust
He compares the situation in Israel to his experience with the Holocaust. Maté writes, that “as a Jewish youngster growing up in Budapest, an infant survivor of the Nazi genocide, I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head
I was for years haunted by a question resounding in my brain with such force that sometimes my head would spin: ‘How was it possible?
How could the world have let such horrors happen?’
It was a naïve question, that of a child. I know better now: such is reality.”
Read 17 tweets
Yesterday marked the 105th anniversary of the #BalfourDeclaration, a fateful, colonial statement by the British government that paved the way for establishing a Jewish supremacist settler-colony in Palestine. Image
The Balfour Declaration laid the foundation for the 1948 #Nakba, the #EthnicCleansing of between 750,000 and 1,000,000 Indigenous Palestinians at the hands of Zionist militias, and subsequently Israeli forces. Image
The ongoing Palestinian Nakba entails Israel’s relentless land theft, denial of human rights & legalized racial discrimination, made possible by massive military, economic & political support from the U.S., EU, U.K. & other complicit states, international orgs & corporations. Image
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1/ Lors des manifestations organisées dans le cadre de la #GrandeMarcheduRetour (dès le 30/03/18) les civils palestiniens défilèrent durant des mois pacifiquement pour réclamer la levée du blocus 🇮🇱 de #Gaza & le retour des réfugiés 🇵🇸 vers les terres confisquées depuis la #Nakba
2/ Le 1er juin 2018, lors de la #GrandeMarcheDuRetour, un sniper israélien assassina #RazanAlNajjar, une infirmière de 21 ans, pourtant identifiable par sa blouse médicale. « Les personnels médicaux ne sont pas une cible ! » (Nikolaï Mladenov, coordinateur spécial de l’#ONU).
3/ #RazanAlNajjar fait partie des près de 200 pers. qui ont été tuées lors des marches. Des milliers d’autres ont subi des blessures laissant des séquelles à vie. L’armée 🇮🇱 aurait visé les membres inférieurs ou supérieurs afin d’impacter la santé physique et psy des Gazaouis.
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There seems to be some confusion about who the occupation for Palestine began. Jonathan @Freedland appears to believe it started in 1967. But it didn't.

Here's a quick thread🧵
So did the occupation begin in 1948 - the #Nakba - when thousands were massacred and 750,000 expelled? No, not then either.

Did the occupation begin in 1909? That was when the first ‘Kibbutz’ was created in Umm Juni, by Arthur Ruppin, the head of the Zionist Organization office in Palestine. He was a devotee of ‘racial purity’ who was sympathetic to Nazi racial thinking.
Read 10 tweets
15 May marks 74 years of the ongoing #Nakba, the forced expulsion and ethnic cleansing of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians. #b1505

The recent assassination of #ShireenAbuAkleh on 11 May by the Israeli occupation forces and —
the additional desecration of her coffin at her funeral is simply another brutal example of the ongoing Israeli destruction of Palestinian public life and their rights to self-determination and self-expression. #b1505
Shireen Abu Akleh, a journalist, has been called the voice of Palestine and named ‘the daughter of Palestine’ in her death for rendering visible the Palestinian experience to the world. Her murder is a manifestation of the persistence of the Nakba to this very day. #b1505
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🧵Today marks #Nakba74. 74 years since Israel's dispossession of the Palestinian people began. In @MiddleEastInst, I uncover bombshell documents from the US Consulate in Jerusalem showing the extent to which the US knew about the #Nakba as it unfolded. 1/…
The US suspected that the Jewish State called for in the UN partition plan would not be content with those borders and would be expansionist in nature. 2/
The US knew that Palestinian refugee flows were the result of Zionist and Israeli massacres and atrocities. 3/
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Palestinians are commemorating the #Nakba, a program of ethnic cleansing that saw 750,000 Palestinians forcibly displaced from their homes during Israel's creation.

Between 1947-49, Zionist forces killed 15,000 Palestinians and destroyed 500+ Palestinian villages and cities.
No Palestinians displaced by the #Nakba were allowed to return home.

Today, there are over 5 million Palestinian refugees.

1/3 live in camps, some in the occupied West Bank and Gaza, in what groups call "abysmal" conditions without regular access to water, food or electricity.
74 years after the #Nakba, Palestinians are still being forcibly displaced.

▪️ Since 2020, Israel demolished homes of over 2,500 Palestinians.
▪️ Israel has over 200 illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, cutting Palestinians off from vital services and their own land.
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#OnThisDay 74 years ago the #Nakba took place in Palestine.

For Palestinians it is the most solemn day in their calendar that symbolises their struggle for justice and an end to Israeli occupation.

But what is the #Nakba? Here’s an explainer from the #AJArchive 👇
Today marks the 74th #Nakba Day, when Israel was established as a Jewish-majority state at the expense of the forced expulsion of about 750,000 Palestinians from their own land and the destruction of some 530 villages.

🟠 Follow our LIVE coverage: Image
Palestinians commemorate 74th #Nakba Day — in pictures ImageImageImageImage
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Ein kleiner Thread zur #Nakba.
531 palästinensische Dörfer wurden zwischen Ende 1947 und Mitte 1948 ausgelöscht, ihre Bewohner vertrieben oder ermordet.
Das war kein Kollateralschaden eines Kriegs, das war eine genau geplante ethnische Säuberung./1
"Die Araber müssen weg, aber man braucht einen günstigen Zeitpunkt, um das herbeizuführen, zum Beispiel einen Krieg."
David Ben-Gurion, Tagebuch, 12 Juli 1937
Aber bis heute leugnen Apartheid-Befürworter wie
@DIGeV_de @ProfSalzborn oder
@Volker_Beck die #Nakba , das ist in Deutschland salonfähig.
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Aujourd’hui, ça fait exactement 74 ans que l’état d’Israël a commencé à effacer la population autochtone, expulsant plus de 750 000 palestiniens et détruisant + de 400 villages. La #Nakba est un processus de nettoyage ethnique qu’Israël a débuté en 1948 et a continué depuis
La mémoire de #NakbahDay doit permettre de soutenir les palestiniens dans leur quête de justice en notamment en soutenant la campagne #BDS et de mener des luttes partout contre le colonialisme, le racisme et les oppressions de toutes sortes.
Les palestiniens forcés à quitter leurs villages en 1948 ont gardé la clé de leur maison dans l’espoir de revenir après la guerre. Israël les a empêchés de revenir sur les terres & y a installé des colons recrutés partout, notamment en Europe. La clé reste un symbole de #Nakba
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