I'll talk about...
1⃣ Funnel
2⃣ Hours
3⃣ Financials
4⃣ Goals
Mostly referrals! It’s been very helpful that I’m active on Twitter, I speak a decent amount, and I’ve worked/built a network in 3 cities.
Also, I think I’m often the only UXR consultant that people in my network know😂
Sometimes, someone just stumbles on my website and hires me. That's always v cool.
41 of those were serious enough that I made a proposal.
29 ultimately resulted in projects.
(Diagram from sankeymatic.com)

- I don’t have time
- the project doesn’t interest me
- here’s something icky (to me) about the project (e.g., oil industry; firearms)
Advice: always read contracts carefully and don’t be scared to send over a list of changes you require before you’ll sign!
One of my goals in starting this business was to actually work _less_ than when I was in-house (and make more money). Which sounds kind of backwards (hustle culture and all that), but it’s pretty much worked out.
- a lot of clients want to start projects during mid-to-late-Q1, which means the bulk of the work is often happening in Q2
- I had a few projects get delayed, resulting in a perfect storm where multiple things ended up landing at once.
My main financial goal has always been to make a comfortable salary and cover my biz expenses.
Essentially, I want to be able to justify leaving a nice in-house job to run a business, and thankfully I’ve hit this goal in 2/2 years so far.
One thing you can do is set 3 levels of financial goals. I’ve cut off a lot for privacy, but basically: it's a graph of revenue, and different colours are different clients (note: this is not chronological).

Minimum: comfortable salary + estimated business expenses
Target: last year’s revenue
Stretch: Target + 20%
I’m ecstatic that I went beyond my stretch goal. That’s nuts. And, as I mentioned earlier, I didn't work more than last year. Just charged more 💸
People ask me all the time what my 1/5/10-year plan is, and honestly, I don’t have a good answer. I just want to keep doing this as long as I can and as long as I enjoy it 🙃
I’ll go back in-house when it feels right.
- I would like to do some more paid speaking
- I would like to get a client in the travel industry
- I would like to keep mentoring
- I would like to figure out another good way of using more of my time and money to help nonprofits and/or underrepresented folks
I am also very open to talking about new projects for 2020 😉