I'm not surprised at the invasiveness of the device or Amazon but, I needed to prove
Amazon needs to be a lot more transparent here. amazon.co.uk/gp/help/custom…


The remote is the listening device. It uses a MSP430F5435A ti.com/product/MSP430… that offloads voice via BT to the earSmartTM es305 for processing

The mother of my children shouldnt use words like that imho
"I would put a logic analyser on the pins labelled along the bottom... from SCLK/SDA through to 'DACDAT"
ADCDAT being the juicy one
/Me does the Carlton dance
This gives you the video processing power but without Jeff sitting next to you when you are being sworn at.
This is enabled by default, so many might want to check this and disable

X-ray time didn't show much, mostly because of the size. Still, one never needs an excuse to X-ray stuff.