For a laugh I bought the @TheNewEuropean Special Edition titled "What Comes After Remain?"
It’s a bird’s eye view into the hearts & minds of the cultist #FBPE & many of the usual suspects are featured. It really is no wonder they seem to be permanently suicidal /1
"Grief & bereavement take a while to overcome. Sometimes they are never overcome."
Can anyone else hear keening? /4
"In time, I think Brexit will be reversed 😂*. But only if the optimists beat the miserabilists. It was the miserabilists that gave us Brexit: if we join them, that is the spiritual defeat from which we will never recover"
*I added the 😂.
"It’s over: Remain has lost, #FBPE has lost, People’s Vote has lost, and the political parties which sought to prevent Brexit have lost, decisively, at the ballot box"
Amen 🙏
"Part of why Brexit is happening this month is because the campaigns to stop it at every stage failed"
Quincey would be proud of his post mortem:
1. If the case to Remain was so much better than the one to Leave, why did the 2016 campaign feel so out of touch?
Maybe because people wanted to reverse all the changes they were not given the opportunity to vote on previously
Not rocket science this one
1. Join street protests re our trade talks
2. Rebuild the Remain parties
3. Campaign to Rejoin the EU
4. Campaign for electoral reform
5. Stop climate change
Basically waste more of their time.
"I suppose if anyone is to blame it’s the folks who run the (Lab) Party. Who still do. Their illusion/dillusion was they cld make the election abt something other than Brexit. They couldn’t.
The consequence of losing is watching the other guy eat your lunch"
"Farage’s Brexit Party was a superb lesson in political entrepreneurship, sweeping up the media narrative & returning many to the Leave fold who had become disenchanted with May’s uninspiring Brexit"
It’s what he does!
"By the end of this month there will be no Remain cause to fight for...Our cause is lost..But it’s not incumbent on us to accept the good of Brexit until Brexit actually turns out to be a good thing"
We have been warned
"Will the UK- or constituent parts if it separates- rejoin the EU? The answer is an emphatic yes"
When? After the next election
How? Electoral reform. "This Parliament is dead. It’s a zombie Parliament, a charade"
Citizens Assemblies! - "needed due to the lack of democratic legitimacy of this parliament"
Ya know that Parliament he & @thatginamiller were so proud of about a month ago.
"Urge a united front of opposition parties to combine properly for the next election on an agenda to reform the electoral system and to hold a 2nd referendum"
It seems they enjoy losing.
Grayling helpfully informs us he voted tactically for the #Antisemites
"The new Lab leader shd lead devt of ideas, policies & a narrative which the public relate to" .. & wait for it..."reduce toxicity in our politics" indeed a "more open, more mature, less hostile & dismissive approach"
Yep really!

"The election result alters the political reality but it doesn’t impact much on actual reality"
The reality is that’s pretty funny right. Alt-comedy. Love it.
"As time’s arrow flies inexorably towards the end of the month and Britain’s departure from the EU, I can’t be alone in wondering whether there will be blood in the streets"
Is Will channeling his inner Enoch?
What’s new mate? What’s new.