f(at year t) = f(at year 0).e⁰˙¹ᵗ
Which goes: 1.0, 1.1, 1.22, 1.35, 1.49...
year five is 1.65
year ten is 2.72 (e!)
year 20 is 7.4
year 50 is 148
year 100 is 22,026
year 200 is 485,165,195
year 500 is 5,184,705,522,859,000,000,000, approximately.
It is an interesting function.
(If Abraham had only bothered to write down e to 20 decimals, convinced.)
f(2T) = 2.f(T), where big-T is the doubling time
f(0).e²ᵏᵀ = 2.f(0).eᵏᵀ
e²ᵏᵀ / eᵏᵀ = 2
And take logs...
2kT - kT = ln(2)
T = (1/k) ln(2)
And if k is in percent...
T = 69.3 ÷ k ...Voila!
2 at year 7
4 at year 14
8 at year 21
16 at year 28
...and so on to ~4,722,000,000,000,000,000,000 at year 504.
(which is approximate because we used 70 instead of 69.314...)
(Which is dense tautology, but it's surprising how many, upon hearing it, go, oh shit, yeah, you mean that...)
f(t) = L.f(0).eᵏᵗ / (L + f(0).(eᵏᵗ - 1))