#MayoVotes didn’t fall for #ScottyfromMarketing either, reflecting Rebecca.
Note it found rules WERE broken - Morrison lies - the #sportsrorts minister defied published guideline and the Sports Commission decisions on merit with a ‘parallel process’.

Restore trust FFS.
As Kelly’s Dept head did in 1994. Make ‘em give evidence to a Senate inquiry!
And to current Auditor General Grant Hehir - stay strong for the people!

Next Morrison step in Keating’s Ros Kelly playbook: Media and Labor attacking @senbmckenzie because she’s a woman, the bastards.
Thread -
Under pressure before #ausvotes #ScottyfromMarketing promised a weak one, no action.
@helenhainesindi, has a private members bill for a strong one ready to go.
Red hot chance @senbmckenzie and Sports Commission behaved unlawfully. Should heads roll at the Commission too?
Like Kelly, she said she approved only eligible grants. Lie.
No rules broken, eh, #ScottyfromMarketing?
@Paul_Karp @jacksongs

So bloody Trumpian.
Auditor General’s job? Ensure taxpayer money ethically, efficiently, legally spent. Key democratic accountibility post.
Time for journalistic aggression. Govt defence, as with Ros Kelly, is itself corrupt.
Deliberately ignores ANAO findings that @senbmckenziehad a Trump-Ukraine style ‘parallel process’ ignoring Sports Commission merit decisions.
See how she exposes Frydenberg & co’s rubbish blather. That’s how it’s done, folks.
Kelly’s Labor mates told same lie then she misled Parliament with it.
Same playbook as Keating by #ScottyfromMarketing
$36,000 to @senbmckenzie’s clay target shooting club & no declaration of conflict of interest.
The @smh weighs in via @rharris334 - Press Gallery competition for scoops!
Rebecca beat her anyway.
Like in Mayo, another corrupt scam failed - #IndiVotes elected @helenhainesindi
And goes for his very vulnerable jugular, everyday lying, already exposed during #AustraliaBurns.
This story could get much bigger than the Ros Kelly saga.
Here, detail on #ScottyfromMarketing’s spin & media’s lack of success piercing his blather (last column on Sports Commission coverup)
THIS! merging the #ScottyfromMarketing meaning of #AustraliaBurns and #sportsrorts
via @LesStonehouse
who is the cartoonist?

If @senbmckenzie falls she’ll get big compo from #ScottyfromMarketing because she’d be his attempt to make her scapegoat, hope media moves on. He’s gotta be up to his ears in the scam. Maybe director.
Hi, #ScottyfromMarketing.
Sports world backs meritorious sports club volunteers who applied and got sports-rorted. Hat tip to @paulwkennedy @LizzyLegsEllis
Only way @senbmckenzie resigns is if she agrees to be his scapegoat.
Her price would have to be very very high.
A lie, as @andrewtillett points out by re-upping his under-covered scoop of yesterday.
Club said she paid to join, she says it was ‘a gift’. Someone is #sportsrorts lying.

Goal: Stonewall media focus till it moves on.
Political media up for long haul confrontation when the people on its side for once? On evidence so far, YES!
Is there a gender issue here? Only women prepared to do it for the boys?
Only women would resign if needed to protect the big boys?

Way too many threads to pull legally & in Parliament.
Plus media uncovering damning grants quick (parlie inquiry had a look last year)
They dribbled out late with Ros.
The Nine Network weighs in with sensational footage where she admits agreeing to grant cash to her clayshooters club just after joining without even knowing how much.
Like ‘independent’ Sports Commission covered up @senbmckenzie corrupting its grant responsibilities?
(Porter the bloke whose office told Govt Senators twice to vote yes to Hanson’s ‘OK to be white’ motion)
AG Porter asks Oz top ‘Public Service’ law officer, Solicitor General, to advise if #sportsrorts is even LEGAL.
He replaced SG who resigned after Coalition attempts to corrupt his legal advice.

At Ten via Sky (played loud interrupting guy foil to @KKeneally) writes a contrarian Oz column.
A BLUNT #sportrorts explainer, and says #ScottyfromMarketing office helped decide the grants.
Grats as @canberratimes editor led the media campaign to hold Ros Kelly accountable.

Still weirded out that @ScottyfromMarketing asked a mate he appointed to head his Dept to investigate if the #sportsrort front woman breached his very own ministerial standards. The usual #unleader BS.
I mean, Auditor General found she corruptly subverted Sports Commission’s grant decisions on merit...
Hope journos press #ScottyfromMarketing to explain this donation to the rich & privileged.
Kinda hope she lasts till Parlie resumes - we need more info on PM’s involvement before he uses her to slide off the hook.
#sportsrorts is a classic #ScottyfromMarketing play, yes?
She thinks this #sportsrorts might damage #ScottyfromMarketing too
Murdoch titles make a very late entry in the scoops competition
Scheme is clearly deeply corrupt. The BIG questions - who arranged @senbmckenzie ‘parallel process’ and who was in it?
Thinking, will #ScottyfromMarketing have to scapegoat one or more of his own staff as well as @senbmckenzie to save his bacon?
And who is leaking this and why?
Huge opportunity for a Labor redemption moment - back in the @Indigocathy #federalicac bill to halt the #sportsrorts trend.
This cannot end with just @senbmckenzie as scapegoat or we are stuffed.
Starting to think maybe #ScottyfromMarketing could be in trouble. Hunt, Dutton & other ministers running co-ordinated lies to save her - to save themselves?
I argued hard 2016 & 2019 #ausvotes that Labor run on the desperate need for a #federalicac
Didn’t. They’re corrupt too.
Remember Ros Kelly, @AlboMP l?
Got the courage for a redemption moment?
She could nail #ScottufromMarketing to the wall, but incentives are to accept the ##ScottyfromMarketing scapegoat play & return to the ministry later.
She’s a front, that’s all. Gunna play the usual political mafia game? Or truth tell???
But imagine if she spilled the truth to the Australian people, on their behalf?
We can only imagine because we choose to elect careerists, not MPS who believe in SERVICE.
#IndependentsDay #sportsrorts
@senbmckenzie says yep, I was told to be corrupt and I was. I got sucked into the political mafia system and obeyed the big boys orders.
I thought I could do good if I obeyed.
Instead I did bad.
Clean up the system. I will help lead the push.
They lie to our face on #sportsrorts for ‘the team’.
Media? Good journos are having a red hot go.
In the end it’s our fault. We voted for, dare I say it, these enemies of the people.
The end of politician’s care for democracy & its requirements.
We have #AustraliaBurns, skull beneath skin lit by #sportsrorts, the EFFORT they put into protecting themselves.
@senbmckenzie - you ask me to resign to protect the team because of the grants I made to protect the team? I’ll tell the truth of who REALLY directed the grants if you fuck me over.
#ScottyfromMarketing - do it and you’ll be back
Now what?
#AustraliaBurns #sportsrorts
To make worker bee @senbmckenzie take the fall while keeping his hands clean he outsources his responsibilities to his Dept head, his former chief of staff. ‘Clever’.
We gunna fall for this shit?
Because now we know it’s up to us to restore Oz as a world leading democracy.
Can we do it, together?
#AustraliaBurns #sportrorts
My list of democratic journalist heroes on #sportsrorts so far:
But I never thought he didn’t lead our nation. And I was twice proud of his leadership, on guns & East Timor peacekeeper force.
#ScottyfromMarketing is something else, an #unleader.
Weird feeling.
The kicker proves the Nats don’t give a shit about people on their own safe seats. Despicable. Get rid of ‘em for quality independents who want to serve you, not themselves.

Fear. Intimidation against whistleblowers - public servants or anyone else - is the desperate play now.
Corruption at the top = High Stakes.
Staffers will be called - Court challenge?
Superb questions from @Riley7News @msmarto & @andrewprobyn.
Trying to buy & threaten his way out of his Govt’s political corruption. #unleader
Hoping @AlboMP backs the @Indigocathy National Integrity Commission bills.
No wonder the #sportsrorts minister is protected so far - tip of deep dark iceberg.
Hmmm, #ScottyfromMarketing media backers want to get rid of @senbmckenzie asap before the #unleader and his Cabinet are exposed?


1. Public servants are unaccountable (lie) so politicians should decide grants.
3. Adverse findings against a minister on #sportsrorts, ask public service if he should sack her.
#IndiVotes elected a genuine independent rep twice and #sportsrorts WOW! @helenhainesindi
Unlike the political monsters we elected at #ausvotes
PS: If @senbmckenzie agrees to be his patsy, she’ll expect a big reward. No class, no shame in this #unleader ‘Govt’.
He’s a guilty as @senbmckenzie

Can Parliament hold him accountable? Force the #federalicac issue to end the rot?
In my top 5 @murpharoo columns.
Part 1 starts here
Part 2 starts here