Attorney General reviewing whether @senbmckenzie’s grants were even LEGAL!
My guess, Govt worried about a class action by groups scammed by the Govt in the cause of the Libs-Nats self interest .……
Sports group in Morrison electorate boasted of grant before Govt announced. Just like Ros Kelly’s #sportsrorts! He says told group matter ‘for independent experts to assess’. Lying or @senbmckenzie kept him in dark
Here’s the Ros Kelly parallel to Morrison’s soccer club’s preemptive boast that it got a grant pre-announcement - @canberratimes 10.2.94

Is something happening here?!
It’s a poor seat, horrendous that voter loyalty to Nats meant zilch unless they feared losing it.
#MalleeVotes @MalleeRay @Davelennonabc
Imperative that the lies be exposed, the spin unspun. Crucial for Democratic accountibility.
Keating never implicated this close to Ros Kelly.
#ScottyfromMarketing shady pattern emerging - remember why he was sacked as head of Tourism Oz?
All while needier sports groups elsewhere were told to suck eggs.
@JacquiLambie @Senator_Patrick