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May 17th 2022
99 hours of voting to go,
99 hours of votes!
So call up your Mum and say
‘Vote out the scum!’
There are 99 hours of voting to go.
98 hours of voting to go,
98 hours of votes!
This Saturday at six
Polls will close on these pricks!
There are 98 hours of voting to go.
97 hours of voting to go,
97 hours of votes!
Oh how Shane Bazzi fought!
And Dutton got screwed in court!
With just 97 hours of voting to go.
Read 102 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
1/ 103 Advertising/Propaganda contracts.
This year alone the Liberals have issued 103 advertising contracts worth $68M.
The chart below shows the start & end date for each contract. #Auspol #FederalICAC #AlboForPM #ScottyFromMarketing Image
Assuming each contract expends its money evenly over the contract duration then we see 'peak propaganda' being reached just prior to the election being called and dropping off at the end of financial year. #ScottyFromPhotoOps Image
💰Many contracts are likely unpublished, so the real numbers are likely significantly higher
💰The data was taken from Austenders using the keyword advertising
💰The daily burn rate was derived by dividing total contract value by the number of days in the contract.
Read 4 tweets
Mar 15th 2022
1/ Aged Care: The endless rort.
The latest grant to 'SummitCare-Baulkum Hills' is extraordinary. Easily the largest grant given out under the 'COVID Preparedness Fund'. It's just over 4 years old. Shown are two Liberals at the opening.
2/ The owner appears to be doing extremely well from the 8 places he owns, shelling out $37M for this place.
3/ Peter does have a charitable side, I'm sure it’s just a coincidence that the charity has some of the most powerful people in Australia and elsewhere involved.
Read 5 tweets
Mar 13th 2022
1/ How good is bypassing democracy.
The Liberals made 33 changes to laws over Christmas & made them 'exempt from disallowance' (Can't be challenged or stopped)
The LNP led senate committee for 'scrutiny of bills' said NOT 1 of them was justified.
#Auspol #FederalICAC
2/ The bypassing of democracy is scandalous, the exempt from disallowance provisions are meant for administration or critically urgent.
When the LNP⬆️debt limit to $1.2T it was done using delegated legislation & the exempt from disallowance power👇
The abuse of the
exempt from disallowance issue has been repeatedly raised by the Senate committee for the last 2 years.
From Jan 1st 2020 to July 30 2020 the Liberals used it on 48 of the 249 legislative instruments made in those 6 months.
Read 6 tweets
Jan 25th 2022

👉🏻1 x national Propaganda media network
👉🏻Unprecedented misuse of public funds (also called taxpayer $)
👉🏻Funding from far right billionaires
👉🏻Misuse of Parliamentary process

Here’s THE METHOD …#auspol
2/ THE METHOD begins with daily stirring of the Murdoch propaganda network with LNP media releases & photo opps. When stirred properly it will create & distribute lies (of all sizes) & continuously deflect from or completely ignore major govt issues important to citizens. #auspol
3/ Entirely undeserved positive voter perception of LNP is the incredible result, if the method of daily stirring of propaganda is followed religiously…Repeat this part of the method for full term. Note: rapidly increase stirring near election. #auspol
Read 21 tweets
Dec 9th 2021
🤥Trying to Join Labor & Greens
🤥Independants are just fronts for Labor & Greens
🤥"Fundraising" if LNP but "Bankrolling" for rest
🤥Integrity Commission- Labors Fault

Summary: One of many propaganda pieces to link Labor with Greens and delegitamise independants

As for the $100M funding for an Integrity Commission. Given they were expecting 0 staff, I think its safe to assume that is just more 🐂💩
Nov 29: We can also remember when #AlboForPM dared #ScottyTheLiar to table his legislation. vid👇

Dec 1: Then #ScottyTheLiar beats his chest and tables it, then #AlboForPM dared him to debate it. vid👇

Read 3 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
‘Voices for’ community #IndependentsDay candidate launch thread-

Goodbye #HumeVotes hello #HughesVotes, where the local ‘Voices for’ group @HumansOfHughes will announce its community #IndependentsDay candidate.

Launch by sausage sizzle - love it!
2. The @HumansOfHughes community #IndependentsDay launch is at the Bonnet Bay football club on the Waronora River. And who do I see? @lindadoherty21 & I were on the @smh 2001 #ausvotes team; she now freelances for @CroakeyNews, run by former @smh health reporter @MelissaSweetDr
3. They’re lining up for the announcement of the @HumansofHughes community #IndependentsDay candidate plus sausage sizzle.

Read 29 tweets
Oct 11th 2021
"The biggest source of corruption in Afghanistan", one American official said, "was the United States."

We knew that in 2013

If you read the 2013 story about Afghanistan, it doesn’t take much imagination to think the CIA may do similar things in other countries.
How did the US come to ‘own’ Australia as the result of a few key figures?
Read 9 tweets
Sep 30th 2021
731. Extraordinary stuff from Frydenberg, triumphalist Back in Black back boaster before last #ausvotes. SURELY with a record breaking deficit and covid widening income inequality the sane thing to do is delay or abolish the stage 3 tax cuts. Nope - let’s cut tax more!
732. B McKenzie demands the Clean Energy Finance Corporation finance carbon capture & storage research (a fantasy) to sustain coal mining. The mining industry hasn’t done it because it can’t be done. This is AWFUL, & she confirms there’s STILL no bloody plan!
733. The fix is in. If carbon capture and storage was viable big fossil fuel companies would have found a way by now. Yet to pretend to act on climate change the Govt INCREASES taxpayer already massive subsidies to the fossil fuel industry.

Read 219 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
National #Integrity Commission update!

In Feb, we spoke with His Honour Anthony Whealy QC and Federal Independent for Indi @helenhainesindi. Watch that discussion here:

We caught up with Anthony again last week for an update: .
The Gmt committed to introduce a #FederalICAC in 2018 and again in 2019 prior to the last federal election. But:

❌ no Gmt bill has yet been tabled in the federal parliament;
❌ the Gmt has made no allowance in the recent federal budget for implementing an integrity body; and
❌ we have heard nothing in response to the many submissions on their model for a federal integrity commission.

By contrast, @helenhainesindi has introduced her own private member's bill but the Gmt has not allowed parliament to debate it.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 8th 2021
@DaveSharma handing out flowers on #IWD2021. Intentions may have been good but unfortunately the reaction to his tweet demonstrates that he is simply not in touch with #WentworthWomen and does not understand the seriousness of the issues #auspol…
To many, this feels like a trivialising, belittling and tone-deaf response to a watershed moment for women in Australia. For #Wentworth voters it is a national embarrassment. #EnoughIsEnough
There’s no point having a “nice guy” representing #Wentworth. We need a representative who listens, understands and then acts. The issues currently facing Australia are serious. Women’s rights to be treated fairly, with equity, with respect, to be safe in their own homes #Justice
Read 8 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
8. Searingly honest and revelatory account of the a good journalist’s internal voices on a story like this, and the external constraints on publication. I RELATED BIG TIME.

Superb, Tory. I would have made the same decision as you for the same reason, until she’ ready let it be.
9. Succinct summary of investigation state of play by @osbornep

10. Backgrounder thread by @CroweDM on the NSW Police statement closing its investigation.
Read 508 tweets
Feb 27th 2021
What else can be said that has not, concerning this corrupt #Kakistocracy & their equally corrupt #MSM ?

The only reason these @LiberalAus lead criminals are in power is because of #newscorpaus criminals keeping them there
But hey, let`s revamp some social media goings on

We also have a cabal who despise this corrupt LNP gov but this cabal has been undermining the only #SocialDemocratic that can replace them = @AustralianLabor
This cabal has undermined @AlboForPM

This cabal has creamed why aren`t they/him doing more

This cabal even has some ALP supporters amongst them

But most of all thus cabal are represented by @Greens & those promoting Independent politicians
Read 13 tweets
Jan 28th 2021
What are you likely to get if you vote LNP at the next election?

You may end up getting a pay cut. They'll be emboldened to implement industrial relations reform (aka Workchoices 2).

What will you be able to do about it after the election? Nothing.

Put LNP last on every ballot
What are you likely to get if you vote LNP at the next election?

You may end up having your superannuation obliterated. Too bad if you were looking forward to having a comfortable retirement.

Hope you enjoy working until you drop.

Put LNP last on every ballot.
What are you likely to get if you vote LNP at the next election?

The continuation of the incarceration of children on Christmas Island. They have been there over 1000 days. How would you feel if they were related to you?

We can fix this.

Put LNP last on every ballot.
Read 11 tweets
Jan 14th 2021
@DaveSharma misses the point. The entire world has just witnessed a shocking attack on #democracy. All the #freespeech noise is deflecting focus from the far more important discussion about the staging of a violent coup by the #POTUS #auspol…
Trump has not been stripped of his political voice or silenced. He has access to a press agency and the world’s media. He has fallen into his own trap. By dismissing traditional media outlets as “fake news” he has voluntarily limited his own options.
In Australia, with an election possibly on the horizon and growing evidence of a threat from far-right extremist groups, what is needed is calm, objective and clear leadership. We need swift and decisive condemnation of the violent attack and of the #POTUS for inciting it.
Read 18 tweets
Nov 2nd 2020
Having a look at the Commonwealth Integrity Commission Draft. My concern is that the CIC can refer a corruption investigation to the AFP or the relevant agency. Agencies investigating themselves is clearly open to corruption and ministerial interference. #FederalICAC #auspol
I'll post any other thoughts I have from looking at the draft legislation below. Keeping in mind that I am not a lawyer and it's a 363 page document. 🤷‍♂️
If you are bored and curious like me you can read the draft legislation here…
Read 14 tweets
Oct 23rd 2020
1. I’m gunna go mad obsessively Twitter-following the election = anxiety and apocalyptic theories in why Trump will win.

I am now Panicked by the entry of energy policy in the mix. Our nightmare on climate change ensures that.

2. @TimAlberta is a political journo steeped in GOP politics. A must follow, but jeez, writing Biden’s victory analysis before the election makes my Irish bones ache. Lovely piece of writing, and interesting.

3. LOVE IT! Ivanka & Jared work for the Trump Swamp Family. Fine for the boss to maliciously throw baseless mud that Biden is head of a crime family & must be indicted. But tie THEM to Trump’s anti-NY invective & they’ll SUE!!! (Trump can’t be sued for defo while in office.)
Read 165 tweets
Oct 21st 2020
1. Rampant political and bureaucratic corruption in Australia DEMANDS a strong #federalicac. The #scottyfromMarketing denial, resistance and delay same tactics from him on banks before the Royal Commission forced on Govt by public pressure. A public duty fail. Latest example.
2. VERY expensive, relentless coverup of Howard Govt corruption at the highest level ongoing by legal intimidation of the Whistleblower of an offical wiretap of East Timor negotiation team on East Timor oil deal crucified.

2. Morrison’s promise of a weak, secret #federalicac is 2 years old and he’s now reduced to a ‘too busy’ excuse. Public interest, voter enthusiasm be damned. He’d rather look pathetic than fulfill his duty to the people and our democracy. Starting to smell bad.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 4th 2020
1. fantasy thread.

@AlboMP: Australians believe our democracy is failing because we can’t trust our big parties. The crisis of confidence in our political leadership must be addressed NOW.

Why? Because #AustraliaBurns means we must trust our governance to survive and thrive.
2. Labor didn’t promise a National Integrity Commission to investigate and expose corruption in federal politics - a #federalicac - at 2016 #ausvotes, and belatedly did last year but buried it.

Why? Because we’ve rorted too. And like our opponents, we too like to rort in Govt.
3. But that bipartisanship is over. We must, as a nation, act swiftly and comprehensively to clean up our politics & restore the people’s faith that they can live their lives knowing their Govt is acting in the national interest, not their own.

Read 5 tweets
Jan 20th 2020
1. Starting a thread on #sportsrorts developments

Attorney General reviewing whether @senbmckenzie’s grants were even LEGAL!

My guess, Govt worried about a class action by groups scammed by the Govt in the cause of the Libs-Nats self interest .…
2. Note the blatant conflict of interest in Christian Porter reviewing the legality of grants his electorate received. Morrison is becoming more Trumpian by the day.…
3. @jacksongs on the case for the people.
Sports group in Morrison electorate boasted of grant before Govt announced. Just like Ros Kelly’s #sportsrorts! He says told group matter ‘for independent experts to assess’. Lying or @senbmckenzie kept him in dark
Read 14 tweets
Jan 18th 2020
1. Journos don’t need to waste space commenting, sigh cynicism, that both sides do it. Voters knew that for yonks, hence trust collapse.

Press Gallery job is to decry it & try hard to make politicians accountable when caught corrupt. That’s their democratic role!

2. I reported, analysed & commented on the long running 1993-94 Ros Kelly #sportsrorts scandal as new @canberratimes politics recruit under @michellegrattan editorship.

Ran solo mostly, ignoring well meaning advice from a senior political journo to stop wasting my time...
3. ... because Kelly was Keatings mate so she was safe.

Michelle took angry callsfrom Kelly demanding she stop me trying to ‘destroy’ here. Grattan said no.

I got to know Costello and backbencher Judi Moylan, who got into the Howard ministry on the back of her performance.
Read 25 tweets
Jan 15th 2020
1. Remember Ros Kelly’s sports rort? ANAO report showed she trashed merit grants to favour marginal seats. Libs under Hewson went in for the kill, as did I. Sacked.

Now @senbmckenzie copies, AND got Coalition candidates, not thr MPS, to announce grants.

2. A reminder of the Sports Rorts scandal. I was working for @michellegrattan, Canberra Times editor, reported this political corruption solo for a while - senior press gallery journo told me to stop wasting my time ‘cause Kelly was a Keating ‘mate’.…
3. A Gurdian sports rorts wrap with no mention of the eerie parallels to Ros Kelly - Hewson and Costello led the charge to end her career, which it did.

Read 13 tweets
Apr 14th 2019
Huh? I deliberately did NOT Retweet the @AngusTaylorMP allegation thread because the allegations were unsourced. What’s going on, Angus?
2. Here’s the full letter from @AngusTaylorMP lawyers sent to @NoFibs which falsely claimed I tweeted a thread on allegations against him.
3. Wondering if a lawyer Tweep would agree to act for me pro bono to sort out this mess? I believe I did not Tweet or RT the thread in question.
Read 236 tweets

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