A jihadi group was borne.
6 months later it changed its tune, becoming a secular movement for Rohingya rights. It tried to start a race war.
Trained with ultra-radical Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan, but then US analysts say LeT bullied it.
Wakar Uddin was the Chairman of Muslim Aid America. He is also the political leader of Rohingya. He wrote that ARSA weren't a radical Islamist group.
The @CrisisGroup say otherwise.
South Asian govs had been monitoring the buildup of ARSA since 2012.
Muslim Aid was put into special measures in 2014 by the Brit government. Pakistani intelligence had been using the charity for its covert wars.
The US branch of a charity which the British government put into special measures in 2014.
Stone King LLP appointed as caretaker sacked all of the Jamaat-i-Islami trustees and Bangladeshi war criminals.
So, if the British government had decided to finally act on Jamaat's charities in the UK. Why was the US and the Obama administration undermining their work to tackle radicalism?
The FBI have open investigations into Jamaat.