There’s zero logic in this. In fact it seems like a mortal sin to showcase or give energy that feeds this beast. It should be NO WHERE NEAR A HOLY SITE (or anywhere for that matter)…

She performed a subliminal, secret Satani€€ult ritual during halftime show
Wore a headdress for Ba’@l, the Nephelim king, some refer to it as the Crown of Hathor. Props & symbols used refer to Isis, Egyptian pagan symbolism-the One eye & Winger Sun.

The entire production carried an L. color theme
Extensive use of ‘M’ which references:
13th letter of alphabet
13 Bloodlines
13-evil secret sect of Freemasons
33rd day of the year
333 days left in the year
32 days into the year
4 weeks 4 days for a pattern of 44
2nd month 2nd day in the year 20=24
24=Kobe Bryant Jersey #
The game appears to be numerically linked to Kobe Bryant & Super Bowl
32 Days Into Year (32 / 23 Symbolism)
Day Of Year Feb-02 = 33 (33 Symbolism)
Days Left in The Year = 333
Mirror of 32 = 23
RED Jersey of KING Lebron James=23