So I asked some top EU thinkers 'next for the EU?''s what they said 1/thread…
Love this anecdote from @donaldtuskEPP memoir of first thing @realDonaldTrump said to him. "“how Brexit is going and who is next in line to leave?” /2
Case closed? It isn't that simple... /3
He worries that the EU is still in "Article 50" mode... /4

Trinities self-renew, duopolies risk turning in on themselves, creating stasis.../6

- @BorisJohnson
wont want to crawl back
- 7/8 major industrial elements now dished out, so no econ benefit
- and UK weapons require high-end access other EU MS wont have /9
Germany (which was part of Typhoon) has gone in with French Gen 6 project; the UK's 'Tempest' has Italy and Sweden.
But in reality neither can really fly solo. We all lose. Europe weakens /10
The EU has a handle on migration now and, as wages rise in the Eastern EU argues Andrius Tursa at #Teneo over time the free movement imbalances will start to right themselves..../12
There are perhaps two paths, one set out by #IvanKrastev in his revised edition of After Europe which conceives of the EU forsaking its former missionary zeal to export ideas and becoming a "monastery" /13…

And it could only happen after the divorce settles down - and divorces usually get ugly despite the best intentions of the separating parties.
It will take two to tango, but everyone should hope that gravity can take over. ENDS