1) Thread - All Brexits are bad and what we voted for
It's often said by brexiters that "it's not all about economics"
However, the *actual* Leave campaign was almost wholly about economic arguments
With the leak of this 2-8% report those arguments are now trashed

Here's why

-"We can sign new Trade deals"
-"We're sending them billions"
-"£350 M for the NHS"
-"Immigrants are driving down wages"
-"Immigrants are killing our services"
-"They need us more than we need them"

-"Unelected Eurocrats/EU dictatorship"
-"Taking back control of our laws"
Virtually none of these stack up but lets consider the economic Vote Leave arguments 1st:

However, The argument was always a false one, based on a fundamental misunderstanding of the EU position

"Unelected Eurocrats/EU dictatorship" - This argument revolves around healthy democracy. We've seen in recent months how unhealthy our democracy in the UK actually is in comparison.
Utter lack of transparency from government
Impact reports that may or may not or may again exist
Rank populism & outright lying by leading politicians
Fundamental attacks on the HoL, which is a basic part of our democracy
I've yet to see someone come up with a convincing regulation that makes up for this
Anyone who voted Leave based on economics, either directly or indirectly, was misled
What's left is the ability to have less foreigners because you just want less foreigners, and will accept an 8% drop in growth to exclude them

I can only answer I can't see in people's heads and I can't debate emotion.
Vote Leave put forward a set of arguments, most of them were economic.
They don't stack up
But the world is as it is, culture cannot be frozen
Immigrants did not cause austerity or the NHS crisis or low wages

Unfortunately, not having a job or decent services or good prospects limits those choices
For many this was reality & fair enough, but #Brexit will make it worse
It's important to note that for most remainers the economics are probably the least of the priorities around #Brexit
Being part of a community, working together on the big issues like climate change, cooperation, rights for EU nats, collaboration
So we talk economics not because it's the priority but it's common ground between both sides