Let me reveal to you what most Imams don't tell you.
Islam is incompatible with Poverty. There is no place in the Qur'an where poor people are mentioned with value. Only the rich & status holders.
If you are extremely poor, you need to question your islamicity.
To defend Islam in principle & practice, you need to rise up do something legally to get money. Then you will be a full Muslim
But for the poor ones, they lost it because of failure to tab Allah's Rahmah.
Rise up & make money, make sure that you are doing something important, legal & valuable to yourself, your family and Nigeria,
Failure to do so is wasting the Rahmah of Allah upon you.
Only Shetan was associated with poverty in the Qur'an.
You must rise up now & change your status in your family
Money follows its chasers spirit, once the owner dies, it goes with you. Inheritance is not an option.
Go get your own now.
So if you chose to be poor due to laziness, you should know who your friend is Setan
The Setan you claimed to hate is right on the pillow you lay or the under tree you stay to gossip.
This is the biggest duty you can do to Islam, even more than your endless time sitting in the mosque.
Juma'at Mubarak.