Following last week’s #ASC2020 Panel on How to Master the Digital Age from @mkitano7 @LillianErdahlMD @heatheryeomd #SundeepKeswani and myself, I received many requests to share my tips/tricks on Digital Tools to Support Your Research Program.

Caveats: a) My first tweetorial, be gentle. b) Recognize that this is not comprehensive and only highlights the tools that are currently working for me & my team. If you have suggestions, I’m always looking for ways to improve.
Centralized task management 1. We are all super-busy and it is east to lose track of things or prioritize incorrectly. Pick a task management system, learn it, use it. I use GTD @gtdguy but others exist (MYN, Kanban, etc.)

Centralized task management 2. Find a cross-platform/platform-agnostic way to operationalize your task management system. I use @trello Others: @todoist @asana @anydo - Central tenets: platform-agnostic so you can use it anywhere, shareable with your team.

Embrace digital 1. Send tasks that need to be done to your task management system (don’t use your inbox as a to-do list). Get rid of paper. Scan in paper documents that need to be saved with a scanner or app @ScanSnap @thegrizzlylabs

Embrace digital 2. Don’t let your location limit your productivity. Use your institutions’ cloud services to sync everything everywhere. @onedrive @box @dropbox @googledrive Make sure what you use is #HIPAA compliant if needed.
Use #MyNCBI tools from @ncbi – MyBibliography to track your pubs; SciENcv to keep @NIH biosketches ready to go (with modular contribution to science sections) and Saved Searches to automate keeping up with the literature.

Check in on your science like you check in on your patients (remotely). Electronic Lab Notebooks. Centralized data, protocols, inventory. These improve data integrity as people come/go from the lab. Lots of choices, we use @LabArchives

Move to synchronous communication. Email is asynchronous, inefficient for small/short messages, & easy to miss people or include too many people (Reply All). For short/rapid communication w/ your team, using something like @SlackHQ @MicrosoftTeams

Measure your success. Needed for P&T. Pick your journals wisely using Journal Citation Reports; track how often you are cited #hindex with @googlescholar @scopus ; Use @altmetric to generate buzz that may/not correlate with later citations (varies by field)
Develop your Research Brand 1. Make it clear to others how they should define you. This is equal parts research focus and career vision. How? Get results, publish papers, & give talks that all map to your central theme. (your Biosketch also tells this story)

Develop your Research Brand 2. Develop your online presence @twitter @facebook @google – Make and host a research website and use #QRCode to drive traffic where you want it. They can point to websites, PDFs of talks/papers, Twitter, etc.

I could go on for days, but really want to hear what others are doing and how I can do better.
@AsianAcadSurg @AcademicSurgery @UnivSurg @UTHSCResearch