- A right-wing extremist killed at least 9 people in Hanau last night.
- A police raided a far-right terrorist network planning to attack Muslims last week.
- A far-right terrorist attack on a synagogue in Halle.
- A bomb attack by neo-Nazis against a leftist politician.
- Nazis used police data to compile a "kill list".
- Neo-Nazi cells found within the German police.
- Neo-Nazi cells found within the German military.
- German police threatened to "slaughter" a lawyer.
- A racist shot an Eritrean refugee.
- A Neo-Nazi stockpiled weapons.
- Neo-Nazis ordered body bags and quicklime.
- A bomb threat against Die Linke Party centre.
- Neo-nazi and anti-Islam marches all over the country.
- The far-right party AfD has been steadily on the rise.
- Head of the AfD in Thuringia has called for a coup.