1. “Properly managed cattle on grasslands sequester enough C to offset all their GHGs”
A: sometimes, but that’s certainly not unilaterally true.
A: absolutely false- no data to support that. We can’t even culture methanotrophs, and the best estimates show a marginal level of CH4 oxidation compared to enteric CH4 production.
A: Yea-probably not. The only market based label to break 5% market share was Organic. Consumer surveys show that consumers say they care.... but most of them don’t put their $$ where their mouths are. Also, equity
As someone who does the science, these claims just underscore the hard work being done and the real truth- which is always more complicated
Yes, regen grazing can increase C sequestration. But how much depends on about 2648258 diff things.
Yes, methanotrophs exist in soils and oxidize CH4. They don’t offset enteric CH4.
A small % of consumers do buy regen labeled meat.
4. “Plants are sentient beings too, so it doesn’t make sense not to eat meat.”
There’s lots of reasons to responsibly source and consume meat BUT FOR THE LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY THIS ISNT ONE. Just stop.
But it’s quite different to hear misinformation spread by someone who knows what the actual science says. Either you believe the science, with all its complexities, or you don’t. I have no respect for cherry-picking to sell a false message.