Agenda package:…. Live tweets 👇

A discussion about what was said at the previous meeting is happening now.
Coun Gerber suggests there should be more flexibility.
Coun Pfenning says that including the time limit in writing gives speakers an idea of how long their presentation should be.
Coun Gerber agrees.
(Personally, this has been bugging me for weeks!)

Mr Rodger ends his presentation by thanking council for its support.
Coun Hallman thanks Mr Rodger and says that she enjoys sharing history with her children by walking the Prime Ministers Path with them.
Coun Gerber says that he wouldn't want to tie Township protocols to other levels of government.
Coun Hallman says she disagrees and has reached out to Minister of Diversity and Inclusion Bardish Chagger for counsel.
The recommendation is carried.
Coun Gordijk mentions the success of Coldest Night of the Year in New Hamburg on Saturday.
Mayor Armstrong says that the scheduled council meeting for March 2 has been cancelled.