I can see @RadioFreeTom is trying to understand Democrats.
You see, Tom, big tents get messy.
Diverse coalitions are not efficient.
People in the big messy tent don't fall in line behind the message that the leaders think will win.
It's the nature of the beast.
The GOP, however, has morphed into a reactionist, right wing authoritarian party.
See Stenner and Haidt's essay in ⤵️

The problem is that the Republican Party, ever the past few decades, has morphed into a reactionary (or right wing authoritarian) party.
Because the GOP has morphed into a reactionary party, we have two issues:
🔹Conservatives are now aligning themselves with liberals
🔹They're accustomed to dealing with reactionaries.
One reason people are so mad at conservative leaders is because they allowed authoritarians into their party in order to achieve electoral majorities.
RWAs then did what RWAs do: They took over the GOP.
A normative threat is something that threatens “sameness and order.” (From Haidt and Stenner's essay ⤵️)

The thing about RWAs is that they fall in line.
OK, so now let's talk about the Democratic Party.
The Democratic Party is a big diverse heterogenous group.
I just did a thread on this so I will only repeat the key points:
Democrats include urban intellectuals and minority communities.
I understand that.
Welcome to the tent.
Herding Democrats into line would be a lot like trying to herd cats.
The parties are rule of law v. authoritarianism.
People who embrace rule of law include former Republican conservatives.
Getting used to a big messy tent will not be easy.
And one more thing . . .
That's what former GOP conservative leaders are accustomed to.
So they're likely to get frustrated with the Nancy Pelosis and Adam Schiffs of the world, who understand the dangers in that.
The problem is that there aren't enough traditional conservatives to win national elections so they tried to be conservative while embracing reactionaries.