I get a lot of questions about who a trauma surgeon is and what a trauma surgeon does.
Here are some answers.
2. Trauma surgeons are awesome SURGEONS, with a minimum of 5 years of Surgical training, because…
3. Trauma is a Surgical specialty, just like plastic surgery, vascular surgery, colorectal surgery, etc.
Stab wound to the heart? Yes, I do that.
Gunshot wound to the colon? Do that, too.
Kidney or spleen shattered? Yep, also me.
Transected carotid artery and trachea? Still me.
6. A version of me has to be in the hospital 24/7 in order for the hospital to accept traumatically injured patients, which means…
And by “night” that could mean anywhere from 14 to 36 hours in a row, continuously, yes IN the hospital.
Yes that sucked, and no I don’t recommend it and yes this happens because…
10. Yes, it is hard. And, I believe it takes hard work to do important things, and I feel that my job is important.
Something horrible and unexpected has happened. It is likely the most vulnerable moment in their life, and we (trauma surgeons AND our teams) are here for them.
And, I am incredibly proud of that.
No, it's not like Greys Anatomy.
It's so much better 😉