But let's consider another possibility.
Do you know how we get to that world?
Destroy the Republican Party.
And so they're the target, not the GOP.
The Republicans, though?
At the point, the federal government is Safe Blue.
Safe Blue is where progressives can primary liberals and win. Safe Blue is where you can push leftward.
Vote your conscience during the primary. Heck, vote it during the general. It's not your conscience telling you to stay home or protest vote.
Push the right off the map, the center is the new right.
But... hey. Your way, you get to call people "shitlibs". Which is fun! And losing means never having to give up your unearned sense of moral superiority. You're FOR giving us healthcare. Have you done it? No. But you're FOR it.
But it could be where the Democrats are now.
US politics is very one-dimensional like that.
Let it continue to consolidate power and we're looking at something far worse than Business As Usual. And I'm not saying that because I'm ignorant of how bad Business As Usual has been.
My answer is: destroy the Republican Party.
Dropping the GOP means you prevent more damage for less effort, leaving you safer to attack the medium guy.
No. It's the tactically sound move.
By removing the sense of danger.
Nuke the GOP from orbit and the Joe Bidens of the world don't have much left to run on. The donors will still like him, but how do they sell that to the voters?
Anyway, like I said, it's not like anyone's going to listen. My way's not fun. It's not exciting. Basically everybody hates the GOP so it's hard to feel smart for doing so.
Remember this even if Bernie wins! Because, uh. You're going to be disappointed. Some of you will think he sold out. Some of you will think he was sold out. But if Bernie's president in 2021, the tide will be against him in 2022 midterms. Guaranteed.
This only works if we finish them off.
That's it. That's how the left becomes the real left-wing party.
Yeah, sure, I'm the centrist shill, but your plan is to keep trying to explain to the Democratic Party why they should come over to you or get out of the way and hope it works one of these days.
I'm telling you the most coldblooded way to beat them.
Pfffft. Why trust any politician. I didn't say trust them, I said elect them. Get behind them and push with both hands. Push Republicans out of office.
GOP schemes fall apart, GOP falls apart.
Democrats conveniently have backs exposed.