That now means our most recent polls in 4 GOP held Senate seats have found at least a 4 point Democratic lead:……
A year ago Collins trailed Gideon only 59-28 with Clinton voters. Now it's 81-10:…
She *has* improved her position with Trump voters though. 59/26 approval, compared to 42/47 last spring:…
Because of that, one outcome of impeachment may be giving Democrats the Senate.
Speaker Pelosi with that 3D chess
McSally has a 37% approval rating, with 46% disapproving. 41/29 favorability for Kelly:…
Trump won Arizona by 4 points in 2016. He trails Biden 48-47 and leads Sanders 47-46 there now:…
Voters who are undecided in Sanders-Trump support Biden 56-8.
If those folks voted the same way whether candidate was Biden or Sanders, the leads would go from 10 for both to 13 for Biden and 14 for Sanders
Undecideds in Biden/Trump give Trump a 6/57 approval.
Undecideds in Sanders/Trump give Trump a 2/68 approval.
If those folks end up voting based on whether they approve of Trump, Biden and Sanders would both be up 4 in Arizona:…