I ask this question often on rounds. The answer: it depends.
Understanding what it depends ON is really helpful for dosing decisions.
Let’s explore. #tweetorial 1/
A single “good” dose of a loop will result in excretion of about 250mEq (~6g) of Na in about 2-3L of urine.
For furosemide, this occurs over ~6 hours.
tinyurl.com/uyxkl7f 2/
Patient A is on 40IV bid in the hospital. Daily UOP is 1.5 liters.
How do you adjust? 7/
Better to increase dose and actually make each episode of diuresis effective. 8/
How do you adjust? 9/
Each dose is probably causing almost 2L out, and increasing dose further may have marginal effect.
Better to add a third episode of diuresis.
(Why no metolazone? If you can get away without it, do so. 10/
tinyurl.com/upq3mmu )