This salty #tweetorial will pose some questions and explore common pitfalls of using IV fluids “for maintenance.”
If someone is volume down, give them a bolus.
“Maintenance fluids” are often the wrong choice because they’re not enough.
What’s the harm in a little extra IV fluid, you say? Let’s do some easy math.
Isotonic fluids
- Normal saline: 154 mEq Na, 154 Cl
- Lactated ringers: 130 Na, 110 Cl, 28 lactate, some K and Ca
Hypotonic fluids
- Half/quarter NS: divide above by 2 or 4
- D5W: 50g dextrose (200 calories) per L
Can add dextrose or K to any fluid.
100cc/hr NS = 2.4 L/day = 22 grams of IV salt per day. After day. After day.
Few hearts/kidneys are healthy enough to handle that.
Yep. But as far as salt load and potential for overload, LR is about the same.
Me neither.
We’re all NPO after midnight. Being NPO overnight isn’t a reason to start someone in IV fluids.
Breath caries free water
Sweat is ~1/4 normal
Staying alive does cost calories
So if it’s those losses we’re maintaining, 1-2L per day of D5-1/4NS or D5–1/2NS +/- some K makes most sense.
Lady with pyelo, temp 102, WBC 20. Got abx and 2.5 LR in ED, BP recovered, pulse too, 110 -> 70s. JVP, lung exam normal. She’s eating drinking fine.
What fluids do you order now:
Nothing: “Looks like we’ve resuscitated enough, why give more? I’ll reassess soon and if HR/BP drift again, I’ll bolus”
LR: “There’s no way she’s done third-spacing. Let’s keep up.” Key here is best-guessing a finite volume.
- If someone is volume down, bolus LR
- We overuse maintenance fluids and cause lots of iatrogenic HF / volume OD. Be thoughtful about whether indicated.
- If indicated (eg NPO for days), D5-1/2NS @ 75cc/hr may be best default to match hypotonic insensible losses