Do FK/PK agree with the victim? Of course not. "Shouldn't this have an impact on his reputation?" That gets them applause!
And, no, it's NOT the same thing. What SHY wrote is what happens in every single courtroom - and relationship and friendship and workplace and family - in the world, every day: using what you know of someone's character to make the best prediction you can.
And the response? K: "Why didn't you say no though?"
- sorry, I don't support you
- sorry, I don't believe you
- sorry, my career is more important than you
- sorry, the campaign against DV is more important than you.
K: "But Sarah, in doing that, given who you are, you're...
SHY: "You know, I am rock solid on condemning violence against women. It was the wrong thing to do. I am also rock solid on empowering women to make their choices and to have their voice heard."
K interrupts: "You used the word naive before..."
K: "Do you regret that as a feminist figure that you have sent a message, one that you contest, but I I tell you...
SHY: "I know that, because this has been circulated in the public realm, and it's been reported the way it has, what has been written for one...
PK: "Do you regret writing it?"
SHY: "I wish I hadn't been asked. But if I'm absolutely honest with you Patricia, I don't think that if a woman came to me, who I know, who I...
PK: "Because it's a crime, Sarah."
I don't know how SHY doesn't say: "AND SHE"S A FUCKING VICTIM OF CRIME, PATRICIA."
SHY: "Yes it is a crime, and he admitted it, and he pled guilty, and so he bloody well should have...
Imagine. Just imagine the victim listening to this. PK certainly can't or won't:
PK: "Just finally do you have a message for all the OTHER women out there who've read what you said and feel that you have....
I mean, the words, let alone the tone, are just unbelievable.
SHY: "I did this because she asked me, she was acting in the best interests of her family."
PK interrupts, but SHY says 'I just want to finish this question from Fran."
And (believe it or. not) PK says: "But that's exactly why the police have the power now."
And THAT's the crux of it. PK thinks police, not victims, should be empowered when it comes to DV.
And yes, that is mostly the point of DV orders. But PK somehow misses that that isn't this case, which isn't about orders, but is a prosecution and, specifically, a punishment.
That's the cue for PK to say: "Of course, we shouldn't judge and we're not". But of course she doesn't and starts to wrap up the segment.
K: "I suppose the difficulty is that the message is: if violence happens, the relationship can...
I mean, how can PK be clearer?: relationships can't be rehabilitated, SHY's friend should leave, chances are he'll hurt her again.
FK: "But the man needs to be judged for his actions, Sarah. Your reference was for the man, he was the perpetrator."
PK: "Well, Sarah, people can make their own determinations about the way you handled it."