Hahn: "I know, myself, I've lost confidence."
"Between now and November, we have to restore confidence so that people know that we take this seriously and it's not going to happen again."
She flagged serious problems with vote center training, calling it "stultifying" and the trainer "insulting."
Also: the # of early voting days was 'generous' but not necessary -- Kuehl wants 2x the number of voting centers, but fewer early voting days (suggests 4).
(Unclear if this is allowed under VCA.)
Barger describes vote-by-mail ballots as an "insurance policy or a safety net." It would not take the place of the option to vote-in-person in L.A. County.
(Implies that's poor performance for a $300 million dollar system.)
"I don't think the answer is to give up on this, I think the answer is to get it right"
"...My only point is that was not the only issue that happened on Tuesday."
That's a different (counting) facility. That's a lot of materials and paper."
St. Louis just had the same issues.
"While there were issues with the ballot marking devices, those issues didn't affect people's abilities to vote. They weren't even able to get to the BMDs"
"I want to be clear -- it's not wi-fi. It's cellular connectivity."
Many locations, like the Ace Hotel downtown, didn't have available square footage to handle crowds.
Logan: "I will do my level best," to regain the confidence of the board.
"The implementation of that and the capacity to deliver on that solid model was lacking."
"For many voters, it was a good experience."
Highlights mobile vote centers reaching communities that have never been reached before. Cites @LoyolaMarymount exit poll project where over 3k voters were surveyed--results were positive. People liked the system.
Supe. Solis says the county must also do its own assessment.