What do you have to say about cancelling #sxsw at the very last minute @MayorAdler ? Isn't that what you DC biased partisan hacks are so good at - taking care of each other? @sxsw IS NOT ISSUING REFUNDS. Even the State Gov't had to EAT IT!
"Want to do more? Contribute here: austincf.org/Stand-with-Aus… #StandWithAustin " u say? @MayorAdler Why has @C3Concerts BLOCKED ME? @C3Concerts train isn't stopping for #ATX safety anytime soon!

@MayorAdler spams support exclusively for progressive democrat biased partisan "philanthropic" operatives in light of the coranvirus public safety concern!? #FireAdler
🚨 #DontStandWithConservativeAnythingAustin ⁉️ 🚨