Every day brings vital new developments and I talked to leading epidemiologists, public health experts about what is happening & coming & what we should be doing. I learned a bunch. 1/
Other cities are far from there, possibly months away. 2/
(I had one too many “passed” in a prior tweet. Won’t be my last mistake.) 7/
But this side we weren’t on war time footing and defunded all our prep.11/
2) The standard protocol will be this:
-Have a fever? Assume you have the virus.
-Can’t breath? Go to the ER.
And don’t forget, you can be w/out symptoms for a while & still have it so be careful. /12
So I pulled together with 14 others— they are deeply respected health care experts. Tonight we will.../13
It will support the #StayHome movement. /15
It’s not about your health. It’s about everyone’s. /15

Stay connected. Just not too close. /end