'The man who came near to making Labour a natural party of government’
A thread on his resignation:

‘giving support to an opposition party whose Shadow Chancellor has said: There is no escaping from the fact that this — he meant cutting public expenditure now, this year— will increase unemployment in the short term’….
‘We always hear from the Tories about Marxists. They seem very pleased with their new allies’
‘to behave in such a way on another occasion will be to threaten surrender to the right hon. Lady the Member for Finchley To surrender to her would be to betray the whole of our Labour movement to its enemies'
The following Tuesday at Cabinet, Wilson shocked them by announcing his resignation.
‘This is the most experienced and talented team in this century, in my view transcending that of Campbell-Bannerman’
‘we wish him well personally in his retirement. His decision has come at a time of great financial difficulty and unprecedented Parliamentary events’
‘I thank Mr Heath for the generosity of what he has said. It is characteristic…We have at all times enjoyed a courteous relationship’
‘a brilliant politician who had managed not to alienate entirely the radical wing of his party’ who would be remembered for his reform of social services
‘the archetypal insular Englishman’ who managed to ‘con his countrymen into permanent membership of the European Community by the trick of a referendum’
‘Wilson’s hot and cold baths over Europe did England a power of no good’. The paper concluded that with Britain ‘ungovernable’ he ‘treats himself to a quiet evening of his life’
‘Born in gloomy and uncouth Yorkshire…Wilson brought with him into No 10 for the first time the really lower English middle class. This big cat, plump and without arrogance had sharp claws’
Historians have since argued that Wilson is her favourite Prime Minister….