The American Academy of Family Practice CEO is crying out about the financial crisis threatening frontline primary care practices, but no one seems to be listening
I'll give you some news from those frontlines (and ask for your help)
If in return for being on the frontline of the healthcare system they're quarantines for exposure to a #COVID19 patient, they don't get paid
We @AledadeACO have done tech diligence, created an implementation toolkit, taken over implementation from swamped vendor, subsidized costs for 550 practices.
What about non-Aledade practices?
a) it's still a small portion of total
b) many payers still don't pay for it
c) no one is paying for implementation costs
"If a practice switches all their visits to telehealth 1:1 they will see a 30% decrease in revenue"
SBA loans
There is nothing (yet) in the bill for primary care practices that are meant to be the first line of defense against #COVID19
The unanticipated death toll could be much higher than #COVID
if you have followers, tell them about this.
If you're a journalist, look into this
If you care about primary care, tag your senator or member of congress
There are simple things we can do to avert this disaster:
This string has details on what physician orgs are asking for.
simple/fast: primary care fee bump
*Increasing facility portion of televists
*Paying portion of anticipated shared savings checks now
*fixing "rural glitch"
*enabling "tele-AWV" (home BP)
You can think of it as hedging your bets or diversifying your revenue, but being paid only for visits billed is bad business for PCPs
*it is not specific to ambulatory care- could see most of it go to hospitals
*assumes practices can carry costs and be reimbursed later
*doesn't solve problem of practices can't see patients
They need to document-for every one who owns>20%
Tax returns
real estate owned
mortgage balance, account number
details on any notes payable
every stock or bond, what is was bought for and when