INCREDIBLY revealing fascist conversation on 8kun.
It's also the 1st time I've *ever* seen chan posters explicitly mention 4th Generation Warfare.

Slurs are blacked out.
Thread is from 8kun's /pnd/ (politics, news and debate)
Here's an archive of the thread if you want the primary source. Every kind of content warning applies obviously.
OP laments the post-Unite the Right collapse of the alt-right, particularly fascists being censored online & moving to smaller social media platforms– "aka echo chambers where we won't be noticed by anyone."
The Base was a terrorist network whose members were arrested after they were infiltrated by antifascists and the FBI.
More here:…
More background on Fuentes and the "Groyper Army" here:…
1) Be Steven Miller and claw your way into office & run concentration camps.

Targeting businesses is a prime example of 4GW. You'll see why.
Anyways, this thread was kind of dense & a little bit inside baseball, but I hope it was informative.